calum hood nudes

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miss jinxx is going to tell you something (miss jinxx is my stripper name)

okay so, i was just on facebook minding my own business when i saw a post saying 

More like Calum Wood

and it was a snapchat of a dude showing his dick, and this dude was Calum, i think

people were saying it wasn't him

others said it was him

i personally think it was him because he even tweeted about it

now, i won't put them here, just because i know you thirsty mofos want it, but sorry, you'll have to search for it

let's say i won't post it to respect his privacy, or what's left of it

but anyways, to the people that are saying it wasn't him, and that people who are passing it around are acting like childs lemme say something to you

it's a dick, it might not be Calum's dick, but it's still a dick, and it's big, and i ain't no prude, i'm gonna replay that shit and i'm gonna send it to my group of bitches (who happen to like 5sos) (they're just 3) (i have no friends)

anyways, look, let me live my dream of seeing Calum's dick, and don't even try to say it's wrong and that is going to ruin them

maybe it will, but that's not on us, it's on Calum, not saying it's is fault (kinda) but i have a point don't i

and the fact that he tweeted about it shows that he has no shame, i mean he probably has some but he's just showing that he doesn't give a rats ass about what people are gonna say about him

i don't remember everyone criticizing Michael for his nudes, damn everyone cheered.

i'm just saying, let the kid live his life and show his dick to everyone, jeez

nowadays people are such prudes, for all i care we should all be naked all the time


okay soz it's the lack of sleep

anyways, bai bai guys see ya in hell

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