acne/pimples !!!!!!!

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these fucking red ((sometimes yellow sometimes black ew)) spots that just like to live on ur face for your whole life tHEY PISS ME OFF SO MUCH

like i understand that every teen goes through this stage where zits start to cover their faces but -

do you ever just see a "popular"" girl from ur school and just examine her face and notice that she has no!!!! fucking!!! zits!!! whatsoever!!!!!!

fuck u hoe

tbfh it's not fair

i have zits all over my forehead and chin and my nose and it's disgusting and sometimes i think that's the reason nobody likes me ¿

i used to use this olive soap thing that my aunt said i should use bc it helps and it actually worked for one fricking night!!!!

the next day i woke up with the twice the pimples on my face ¡¡¡¡

so im not using it anymore and idek what to do

and I think i even have acne...

like i know acne is sometimes serious and you need to go to the doctor bc of it uh :(

i dont understand why all my friends DONT!!! HAVE!!! ANY!!! PIMPLES!!! AT ALL!!!!!!

sure sometimes they have one or two hidden behind their perfect hair on their forehead but i have them all over my face bitch can u not

and most of the girls who have acne still look perfect and gorgeous and ugh i just cry

and the worst part is when people decide to fucking point them out

every time i go to my cousins house ((she's 14)) she just decides to lean in and examine every single one of my zits and she touches them and she's like "ew im so happy i dont have any"


actually she's very pretty sigh sigh sigh

so pimples/zits/acne/spots/weird ass bumps growing on my face I FUCKING WANT U TO DISAPPEAR BYE BYE


((hi it's anto btw have a nice day goodbye))

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