The amnesia video and live stream

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this isn't really a rant I just need to let my emotions out and I'm doing something for 5sos so I'll tell you at the end of this.

They climbed down a huge building for us.

the amnesia video.

these guys work so hard for us and I feel so emotional.

They're my life and the reason I'm alive. I just cant thank them enough. 

I love them stupid adorable ninja turtle super heros.

The amnesia video was beautiful and perfect in every single way.

I need to lay down or something bc holy fuck.

They just do so much for us and I don't think they realize that they're the reason for so many people's happiness.

so it crushed me when they looked sad.

Alright so I want to make a fan appreciation video and I'll be tweeting it to them everyday after it's made for them to see.

so let me know if you want to be a part of it. and I'll put more information on my profile @midnightmuke.

I'm gonna go cry some more.

Lindsay is gone to cry

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