"like a girl"

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hi it's nelle and i'm honestly so done.

like today's society is completely fucked up like dudes can't even act like normal teens anymore. when we're mad at each other me must stab each other or knock someone to death while ten years ago we just let our moms fix things. also, now, everything we say is an insult.

like being gay, since when is it wrong to be what you are? to like what you like, like i'm not going to sue you for liking stupid bands or liking frozen because 'it's wrong'.

and hitting like a girl, since when is that an insult? when someone tells you you talk like a girl, laugh like a girl, you shouldn't be ashamed or anything because you should be proud of what you are. just because most girls like to watch theirselves in mirrors doesn't mean they can't throw a ball or win a fucking fight because we're just fucking proud of how we look and how we are.

so when someone tells you you fight like a girl, throw like a girl, run like a girl, you should be insanely proud, because YOU ARE a girl.

and you definitely shouldn't be ashamed. because girls are fucking awesome.

doing things like a girl isn't an insult.

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