rape jokes

661 29 7

i honestly find this such a serious topic to discuss like..........

i hate when people make jokes about rape i

like we were reading lord of the flies in english and there's no girls in the book and my friend goes like "if there were girls, i bet all the boys would rape them" and then she laughed and i turned to her and said "that's not funny" and then i litERALLY SLAYED LIKE WoWZA

it's just annoying

pls don't assume that if a girl and a guy walk together or go somewhere (idk) it automatically means he's going to rape her ._.

s r s l y NO

"omg he's bringing her around the corner i bet he's going to rape her!!!!!"

fuck off m8

rape is a serious topic and it's not something to laugh about.

(((btw it's antonia hi hello)))

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