"why do you dress so grunge?"

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hi its steph

wanna know what fucking pisses me off

oh you dont well to fucking bad

i hate when peopel ask me "why do you dress so grunge?" or "why do you wear clothes like that?"

listen you fucking bitch bastard

i can dress however the fuck i want

alright so about two weeks ago ((i think it was two weeks ago idk)) me my best friend went to target at like 7 o'clock because well it was the weekend and we just wanted to fuck shit up & get high

so i was wearing some shorts, black vans, a pink tank top and a flannel wrapped around my waist. my hair was kinda ""messy"" i guess you could say and this one girl was like staring at me and i was like wtf is this bitch looking at

so her and her friend came up to me and were like

"why do you dress grunge?"

and i was like bitch hold tf up

let me tell you this bitch was wearing a fucking mini skirt showing off her booty (WHICH SHE DIDNT HAVE) and i have no problem with the clothes people were but when you start judging what i wear then we have a problem

like im sorry that i dont like to wear skirts and cute blouses im sorry i like to wear baggy shirts and beanies and bandanas and flannels like bitch stay in ur lane and ill stay in mine

bottom line is i hate when people judge what i wear bye

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