"why r u so depressed?"

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first day of school is over (thank jesus)

i got a shit load of homework (no thank u jesus)

i still have a few friends in school (thank jesus)

my bestest friend leaves me for some other girl now (no thank u jesus)

i'm so down

this girl (she's actually my good friend ok) came up to me today and said "why have you posted so many depressing stuff on snapchat this summer?"

bitch. please. no. stop.

first of all, i did not post SO MANY depressing stuff wtf maybe only once i was really upset and i posted something like "so done 🔫"


like she didnt even care.

i mean if u really did, shouldn't u be asking me if i'm fucking okay?

not "why r u so depressed oh em gee???"

i'm not looking for attention? i hate attention

and i'm so sad rn idk i just hate it when people say ""why do u look so sad and tired all the time?""

""y do u stay up all night and never sleep?""

""why r u so quiet and shy?""

if you no nothing about mental illnesses, or if you just assume you know everything about a person, then ur wrong. and fuck off.


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