drugs + arguements

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hello hi

its steph and ive been posting a lot of rants im just in a v ""ranty"" mood im soz

so as you guys know from my previous rants i do smoke weed and stuff ((i just ran out yesterday and i really want more sigh*))

so i was talking to one of my good friends the other day and i finally opened up to her about my relapsing and she was honestly heartbroken and i felt so sorry for hurting her

that was until she fucking told me i changed and she didnt like it and she wanted the old steph

seriously what the actual fuckery squared???

so shes one of those people who dont like the fact that i smoke and stuff like that and i still havent told her i did a cig and i sure as hell dont want to tell her that im getting hooked up with xanax cause she'll probably step on me

shes always saying how i need to stop smoking and become a better person and she hates the fact that i became heartless like she compared me to one of her other friends who she got into an arguement with bcuz the girls always lying to her and saying shes busy when she wants to hangout when in reality shes gonna do drugs and she doesnt want my friend to know

bitch just tell her the fucking truth it aint that serious


she seriously she would have made me feel like shit if i wasnt so heartless ((but ill save the fact that im heartless for another rant for another day))

so back to the xanax

if anyone has a fucking problem with me doing drugs and shit then gag yourself with a spoon because i find drugs to be lovely :-)

no i have never done any extreme drugs except weed and me and my best friend are gonna probs do xanax if we can get hooked up so yeah

if you dont know what xanax is look it up ok

but basically i hate when people judge for others doing drugs like ive said before like my own good friend hates who ive become and like im like well if you dont like it then shove it up your ass deal with


stephs out

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