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Matthew Espinosa~

Dear Matthew ,
I'm so sorry for doing this to you. I have to leave this place for a while. I haven't been honest to you about everything. I have a disorder , a lot of them actually. My worst is severe Schizophrenia which causes me to see things that aren't real , like people. I imagine my own demons and they're eating me alive one by one. Matt , I love everything you do. I even love when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do. I want to be with you forever. Your the person I gave my heart too. I will come back for you , I promise. I want you to move on to a petty girl who treats you a million times better than I did. I love more than you could ever believe and I like to think that you love me too. I want you to not take this too hard and to just move on. I know I've done this to you and makes me feel awful , but this time it's to benefit you , not me. I would much rather stay with you. I hope you understand. I love you. Sincerely , Lia Marie Valentine.

My heart stopped as I read the near yet messy writing. The letter was sincere but I still felt hurt bubbling in me.

I want to cry but all I can do is stare at the paper emotionlessly. This has to be some type of cruel joke , Lia would never run away.

She should have just told me , I would have gotten her some medicine for her Schizophrenia and her other disorders. Or I would deal with it myself.

I understood why she would leave though. Fear must've been eating her alive at that point. "NASH!" I yelled , tears suddenly deciding to pour down my cd s I came to realization of what's really happening.

Nash ran into the room and scanned around. He looked at me confused the to the letter that were laying on Lia's hotel bed.

"Lia ..... Sh-she , she's gone!" I cried out pointing to the notes. Nash looked at the letters and picked up the one that said his name on it.

It took him 5 minutes to read it before he fully understood the situation. "I saw her this morning , matt. She was fine." Nash said , completely in denial.

I suddenly ran out the door in hopes of finding her. She couldn't have gone to far , right? She left this morning.

I called her phone before I left just to make sure. My heart leaping when it rang. The feeling of relief soon disappeared as I heard her ring tone throughout the suite.

Nash followed me outside in a hurry. He probably could already assume that I was looking for her.

I decided to tweet , maybe she would see it.

Matthewespinosa: @liavalentine I won't judge you.

Matthewespinosa: @liavalentine I miss you , you belong here with me , nash , Paul , and hayes.

Matthewespinosa: @liavalentine call me please. Threw a pay phone or something.

I know going to Twitter isn't the best idea but she could see it from a fan and maybe even her computer which she took with her.

I scrolled through my feed and saw that a fan tweeted a picture with her 12 minutes ago. It was at a train station.

I sent the picture to Paul since he knows this area better than me. I honestly have no clue what town were in.

Me: *picture* do you know where that train station is?

Paul: yeah , it's by Main Street. The place is called HOGAN TRAIN STATION 18.

I cheered in excitement and ran towards the car as fast as I could. Nash ran behind me at a slightly slower pace. "Hurry up , Nash! I know where she is!" I yelled. Nash quickly caught up.

When we got to my car , we turned it on and began to drive. We went way past the speed limit but at this point I didn't care. I had just gotten out of the hospital and this probably isn't a good idea but Lia is worth the pain.

After a 5 minute drive we arrived at the train station and ran inside.

"Lia!" We yelled as we walked in. I almost burst out into tears when I saw she wasn't in the bus station.

I ran to the desk lady in a rush.

"Excuse me, have you seen this girl?" I asked , pulling up a picture of lia. The girl stared at it for a good second before nodding.

"Yeah , she just left to catch her train." The girl said and popped the pink bubblegum in her mouth. "Where?!" I asked.

"She is heading to Boston. That's her train right there." She pointed to a train from out the window.

I saw Lia boarding. She glanced over at me in confusion before sighing and climbing on the train that soon carried my baby away from me.

"Call Paul , we're going to Boston."

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