3.8 | i never knew

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Song: all we do- oh wonder

Lia Valentine

I never knew, I had no clue how Matt felt this entire time. When I ran into him for the first time in 6 months , he seemed so strong. He made it seem as if he had gotten tougher from my absence , but according to this book he wasn't even close to strong. Of course , He was strong on the outside but on the inside he was falling apart.

I leaned back onto the couch with a sigh , imagining Matthew writing he book with tears flowing down his face. His face red as he frustratedly ran his fingers threw his hair and hit walls with all the anger and sadness that built up inside of him.

The image hurt me and I really never wanted to imagine Matthew so sad and vulnerable. I had always seen him as a happy boy , maybe because his smile is beautiful or because I had seen him happy for such a long time.

I set the book down besides me as I heard the door open with a creak ,"Lia?". His voice was strong at first but I heard a sigh of realization when he saw the book set next to me. I didn't even glance up at Matthew , I felt too ashamed in myself.

"Lia." , Matthew said in a sad and soft voice, "Lia, look at me.". I kept my head down , starring at the shiny and clean wooden floors.

"I'm a monster." I choked out , not daring to look at him but instead looking at the pitch black tv. He looked at me confused but i still wouldn't return the stare. "I'm a monster , Matt!" I repeated just louder now , my voice cracking from crying. Matt sat down next to me and held the book in his hand , "No , I'm done with you thinking you're a monster. That's why you left me in the first damn place because you thought you were some type of demon. You're not , I was sad because I missed you. That's my fault , not yours. Please don't leave me again for this stupid book , Lia. " I held my shoulders , forcing me to look at him.

Tears continued falling from my eyes and not like they usually did. I wasn't reacting to them , they just fell. They probably made my eyes red and mascara was probably running down my face. It wasn't my prettiest cry for sure, but that didn't matter to me. The only thing that mattered was Matt.

I glanced at the ground only to have him grab my chin and made our eyes meet. His brown eyes seemed to stare deep into mind , a loving but sad touch to them. They were just brown , but they were such a pretty brown.

His eyes are so big and they have this special twinkle to them. He was truly gorgeous and every single feature seemed to work well together.

I stayed silent , guilt still flooding through me. "Lia, tell me you won't leave me again. Please Lia , I can't survive without you by my side! It will kill me!" He cried out , tears beginning to fall from his once happy eyes.

I just stared at him as he cried, not knowing what to do. I hurt Matthew so much , do I really want to hurt him more? That's when it hit me ; like a train. If I left Matt again , he would be the same way he was in those depressing letters. I would be hurting him constantly and I can't deal with that. I need to stay with matt because I love him and he loves me.

My cowardly acts of running from my issues will never be thought of again. I will be strong , not like my mother taught me to be. Even if Jack damn gilinsky comes back and haunts us like a ghost , I won't leave him.

It had been silent for about 5 minutes until I whispered , "I won't.". Matt looked at me confused and whispered back ,"what?".

I smiled , locking my eyes with his for good and setting my hand in his. I love Matthew, I love him more than anything and I can't believe it's took me this long to realize that I can't just run away from the one I love.

"I'll never leave you ever again , I promise." I embraced him , both of us crying into each others shoulders. This was a memorable moment for us , a moment of true love and I will forever remember this moment.

"I love you." He cried softly , kissing my cheek before burying his head into the crease of my neck. He was so broken , you could see it in his eyes and his face , but the look he gave me in the moment changed his entire appearance. He looked alive and in peace with himself , a big smile set on his face and his eyes shining brighter than the sun itself.

I pulled away slightly to give him a soft kiss on the lips , "I love you too." I smiled and embraced him again. He was still smiling his amazing smile and still seemed as happy as can be.

"More than anything in the world." I added while tightening my grip on him as if he would get up at the moment and runaway from me.

This is true love,

This is the story of us.....

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