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Sean played by Sean O'donnel
Halsey played by Halsey
Chris played by Chris Collins (punk version)
Marina played by marina and the diamonds
Cara played by Cara delevingne
Kiley played by Kiley Jenner
Kendall played by Kendall Jenner
Lia Valentine~

Hayes stood in front of a freezer thing , pulling out a gallon of 1 percent milk. He looked the same , just a little bit older. I swear that kid grows every time I see him.

I stared at him and took in his features , his new ones. He looks tired , with small bags under one eye and he has a big bruise on his arm.

"Am I dreaming?" I whispered to myself , pinching my arm. I almost yelped in pain. Nope , definitely not a dream.

I guess he heard me whisper so he looked over to me. "Haha , are you a fan?" He asked , smiling a smile only I would know is fake.

I frowned at his fake smile , but covered it up with a smile of my own. "Yes!" I lied. I mean , I love hayes but I'm not a fan. I would consider myself an old friend.

"Do you want a picture?" He asked taking a few steps towards me. I smiled , now I can get a picture to remember hayes.

"Yes , please." I handed him my phone. I didn't let him see my screensaver because it's a picture of Matt , hayes , Nash , Paul , and I that was never posted to social media.

He held the phone up and kissed my cheek for the selfie , I smiled wide and hid my disgust. Don't get me wrong , hayes is hot but he's like my little brother.

"Thank you so much!" I acted.

He looked down at me and scrunched up his eye brows. He stared deep into my eyes in confusion. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He snapped out of his gaze and looked at the ground. "Oh......um.....nothing , it's nothing." He stuttered.

He looked close to tears but he quickly blinked the, away. "Here's your phone." He croaked out , handing over my phone but accidentally hitting the home button as he did it.

He gasped and stared back up to me. ".....l-l-Lia?" He croaked out.

I stared at the ground thinking of something to say , but I couldn't think of anything. Fuck it , I'll just wing it.

"No?My names Cecelia." I giggled and pretended to look at him weird. He sighed and nodded his head.

"Sorry , you just look like an old friend." He was on the verge of tears again. "Oh." I said.

" I gotta go , but I'll see you around?" He reached out for another hug. This time It didn't feel like a hug you would give a fan , it felt like a hug you would give a family member when you need it.

"Thanks for the picture." I smiled before walking away , leaving my grocery kart and all my groceries behind. I quickly dialed Kian's number on my phone.


"Kian , I saw hayes. He didn't recognize me , but then he looked into my eyes and saw my screensaver and he asked if I was Lia. He looked so heart broken. I wanted to cry." I sobbed out.

"I told you not to go in there."Melanie's voice yelled.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP , MELANIE!!" I screamed at the poor girl who we all know  isn't really there. Her wings drooped and she started to cry. "I-i have to go kian." I said.

"Okay , just don't hurt anybody." He warned before hanging up in fear. I ran through the Boston streets , covering my mouth with my hand and wiping depressed and scared tears from my brown eyes.

"YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS! YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU WHEN MELANIE CRIES!" Luke screamed. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he screamed.

I held hands up to my head and tried to drain them out as much as I could but I just couldn't. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I let myself believe that there are people talking to me. Fake people.

Why do I have to run away from everything? Why?Why? Why?

At Night

I've been roaming around the streets hopelessly for hours and hours.

I know what I need. I need drugs  , right now. Anything. To take away the pain , anything to turn my grey skies colorful. I walked into a club not even thinking about my clothes and walked to the back of it where the drug dealers sat every night.

"I need weed , some pills , and anything to take the pain away." I said all in one breath. I was scared of the big men with guns in their waist bands.

"Okay , Princess. You know what these drugs can do to you right?" The man asked with an evil laugh. I nodded and took out a huge wad of money. He widened his eyes and counted the money.

He handed me a huge 3 bags of weed , a bunch of pills , and a tiny amount of white powder that I could easily recognize as cocaine.

"Want to sit with us , Princess?" A teen age boy with slightly long light brown hair , blue eyes , and pale skin. I nodded and took a seat next to the group of tattooed men.

"You aren't dressed like a drug addict." , The man who gave me the drugs laughed , "I'm Sean by the way.".

I looked down at my outfit and giggled. "People think I'm innocent , I hate it." I groaned.

"Then , princess , let's take you shopping." Sean said and his friends nodded. "You are our new friend after all." The boy next to him said.

I smiled and nodded , let's go." I smiled.

"Wait , first you gotta get a little fucked up." Sean smirked. I shrugged and took out some weed , they rolled the blunt for me and let me smoke it. I coughed slightly as I smoked it , " whoa that's strong." I giggled.

"Want some Coc too?" Sean asked. I shook my head , not wanting to get too messed up.

We got up and left the club. People looked at me weird when they saw the crew I was with.

"Oh by the way my names Halsey , this is marina , Chris , Cara , Kylie , Kendall , and of course Sean." Halsey smiled showing off her pretty smile.

"I'm Lia." I said being honest with them about my name. "I'm just gonna keep calling you princess." Sean smiled.

I took in his attractiveness. He was the exact opposite type of hot as matt , Sean was hard core and liked trouble. While matt was adorable and sweet but still hot.

"I'm okay with that."

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