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Lias P.o.v

I woke up and looked around . Where am I ? I looked around . I was in a white room . A hospital ? Yeah , it's a hospital . "Oh great Lia your awake " a doctor said .

"Why am I here ? " I asked . He wrote something down .

"Do you remember who that is ?" He said , pointing to a dirty blonde boy who was sitting next to me with hopeful eyes and a smile . He was cute . 

He had dirty blonde hair and it was swiped over his forehead . His golden eyes made me melt . I felt so connected to him . I don't even know why ? I feel like I know him . I don't . Do I ?

"No . Who are you ?" I said .

His smile fell . He looked at the ceiling and back at me .

"I'm Matt , your boyfriend . Your going through amnesia . " he said .

"She can go . She will remember eventually . Don't pressure her . The less you pressure her the easier her memory will come back . Just let it happen . "

"The orphanage people are giving you your house back ." He said . I was confused but I'm not gonna question anything . I just nod . We walk to a car . I look at my outfit and laugh . I'm wearing hospital clothes .

"I'm gonna stay over to help you around . The doctor said when you remember something it's a little wired . " Matthew said . I nodded .

"Matthew , how long have we been dating ?" I ask .

"2 weeks . " he said .

"Okay . " I said looking at my lap .

"I'm sorry ." I said .

"For what ?" Matt said still looking at the road .

" I feel bad . I want to remember you .... But I can't . You seem so nice and you look so sad . I am trying so hard . You deserve so much better . You deserve someone who remembers you . " I said .

He pulled over .

"It's okay . Babe I love you . You'll remember soon enough . You deserve better . " He said the kissed my cheek . I felt a spark . No not a spark . A fucking zoo .

He continued to drive .

I hope I remember him soon .

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