She's .... cute

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Zayn's POV

As we arrived at Uncle Borkhan's house, there was a woman opened the door. "Assalamua'laykum" we greeted . Then my mom hugged her and said " Lina!,, I miss you" . Then, Aunty Lina hugged Waliyha, Doniya and Safaa. She looked at me and said " Zayn! Ohh!!.. you've grown up!.. look at you!.. hansome boy!" . I smiled at her and said " Thanks.. I miss you Aunty Lina" . There was a lovely smile plastered on her face .

" Can I use the toilet aunty?" I asked her then she nodded while showing me the way to the toilet. " It's near the kitchen there" I nodded and quickly walked to the kitchen. My hair had been ruffled by my sisters in the car, so I really need to look at the mirror badly!

I stopped when I saw a girl was walking while holding a tray. She looked up and I saw her beautiful brown eyes . I was drowning in them when memories of the past came like waves at the beach.


"Zayn, right foot first!" Uncle Borkhan scolded me. He was teaching me how to do the wudu'

( a cleaning ceremony before praying) properly. I nodded in reply and did the dua'a for wudu' after done it. " Let's pray , after that, we will have dinner together , kay son? " he asked me with a stern voice.

" Okay" I smiled at him. My mom and dad had some work to do and asked me to stay with Uncle Borkhan for a week. I don't mind because he was like a father to me. After performing our Isyak's prayer, Aunty Lina asked me to call Syira for dinner.

I went up to her room and knocked on the door . " Syira!!,, your mom called you for dinner" I yelled from the outside. There was no reply so I entered the room .
" Euww! Pink... " I muttered and saw that she was doing her homework at her desk. She turned around and glared at me .

" What are u doin?? In my room? " she asked me while standing up .
'' Don't you hear me? Ur mom called you for dinner" I said while looking around her pink room. She put away all her books while saying " I heard u.. I'll go " .
" Urgh.. faster please.. your room is killing my eyes rite now" I stated nonchalantly.
" Good!,, I have an idea! about you step out from my room right now!"she said while pointing to the door. I shrugged and chuckled slightly while walking to the door. " Btw.. ur room looks terrible" I said before stepping out and she slammed the door while mumbling something. I laughed as I walked down the stairs to the dining room.

I used to sing in my room back then and always heard Syira yelling outside. " Stop singing Zayn! It will rain " . Sometimes she sticked out her tongue at me when my dad scolded me for my behavior. I remembered everything now.

End Of Flashback

"Musyira??" I said while looking into her eyes. " Hi" she whispered while also looking into my eyes. I stared at her for a long time before I heard someone yelled at the living room. "Zayn!!..Do u find the toilet son?" Aunty Lina yelled. " Yea!.." I said in reply. I tried to say something to Musyira but nothing came out from my mouth. I noticed her cheeks had a light pink tint to them then she looked down and continued to walk to the living room. She passed by me when I stopped her.

Musyira's POV

I was blushing like crazy when he was staring at me. Then, I diverted my eyes from him and started to walk when he stopped me. " Let me help you" He said, lifting the tray from my hand. I nodded and followed him to the living room. Btw his hair look mess! Still cute tho..
Wait what?!

" Musyira!.. oh myy.. you look so beautiful , love " a woman in blue who I assumed as Aunty Tricia, Zayn's mom came and hugged me while admiring me. "Thanks, you too Aunty" I said and smiled a little. I saw that Zayn was placing the tray on the coffee table when I was greeted by two girls , Doniya and Waliyha. "Assalamua'laykum Syira" they said in unison while also hugging me. They smiled widely and asked Safaa , the youngest to hug me. I carried her on the hip and pinched her cheek." Awee,, cute girl! " she smiled sheepishly ." hihi,, thank you,, u look pretty!" she said while also pinching my cheek. They all laughed to hear Safaa talking .

While we were chatting in the living room, Zayn was playing with Safaa who was sitting on his lap. I caught him glancing at me as I tried to focus to the conversation my family had.

"Syira ,, show them the guests rooms, they must be tired " my mom said . I nodded and helped the girls with their bags. I walked to the guests rooms while Zayn and his sisters following me.
" Thanks Syira.." Doniya and Waliyha said as they entered the room.I smiled to them then I turned around to face Zayn was smiling down at me.

"Urm.. your room is over there" I said while pointing to the room at the end of the hallway. He lifted his luggage and walked to the room. I started to walk to my room when I heard he called my name.

"Syira.. Is ur room still pink ?" he asked while smirking at me. I looked at him then turned around . A blush spread slowly over my cheeks as I immediately walked to my room. As I entered my room and slightly slammed the door, I leaned on the door with smile on my face as I said " he still remember me".

Zayn's POV

She quickly walked to her room as I stood there, I chuckled to see that she was blushing . I entered the room and shut the door.

" She's cute" I said while leaning on the door .


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