Chapter 15 : Hiding the truth

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One year, one freaking year after I last updated this book. Sorry is just not enough but still, I'm sorryyy, I just finished my college and about to further for my degree sooner, suddenly get inspired  when I watched Zayn's videos lately. And yeah , here you go. :)

Warning: nope

Zayn woke up to no one besides him, strecthing his hand to the other side of the bed to feel the warm that Syira left. He sat up straight while looking around the room and noticed that it already 7.30 in the morning.

He looked around the room for his phone when suddenly Syira came in with his phone in her hand. Her eyes widened and immediately gave him a small smile while slowly handing back his phone. He furrowed his eyebrows and   took it from her hand.

" what..are you doing ? " he questioned her while tossing the phone on the bed. He step closer to her while she smiled nervously.

" Uhh, nothing ," she replied .

" Really?" He asked while snaking his arms around her waist as she laughed when she felt a little ticklish by his cold hands.

He joined to laugh with her when suddenly her laugh faded away. She simply wrapped her arms around his neck while looking deeply into his eyes.

" Do you love me? " she suddenly asked with brave in her tone.

Zayn's eyes widened and he could feel the tense that started to cloud them.
His hands made their ways to either sides of her cheeks and caressed her.

" you having doubt on me? " he stated as she still looked up into him, her eyes were trying to search for him.

" Kind of.." she mumbled shakily.

" Why?" He breathed. His mind started to wonder .

" I dont know.. just wondering" she replied but her eyes started to watery.

" what if.. " she continued as he kept listening to her.

" I want to start my life back? "  she said quickly.

" what do you mean?" He questioned her. His tone cold.

" just maybe, I want to .. live by my own" she said while waiting for his response .

Zayn's eyes hardening as he gripped his palms. His hands fell to his sides as Syira stepped back.

" You want me to .. let you go?" He asked reluctantly as he tried to still look into her brown eyes.

" Maybe you want to?" Syira said slowly as she wrapped her arms across her chest, suddenly feeling herself smaller than his.

" shut up Syira, you're out of your mind" he responded harshly while walking around. Syira's eyes wildly followed him as he stopped and looked at her.

" What's wrong with you? I gave you everything!" He said more like yelling while giving her the glare that she has never see before. That kind of the scariest glare you'll get in you entire life.

" I'm just asking," she muttered slowly as she scared to see this side of him and fixed her eyes to everywhere except his eyes. She started to step back a little.

" ask something else!" He shouted while tossing his things that were on the side table, causing the small glass frames shattered on the floor, she shut her eyes and slowly opened them to find he was hissing at the small injured fingers caused by the glass. He glanced at her and shut his eyes before stepping closer.

" Don't you dare asking me to let
you go! " He yelled , his fingers pointing towards her as she shakily stood against the wall, her eyes darting around his eyes, silently asking him to stop acting weird.

"Don't" he mumbled while making his ways towards the bathroom.

Syira let out a heavy breath that she didn't realise she was holding until now. Her body felt cold and her hands shakily held her arms , carefully brushing her hair behind her ear.

" oh come on, he'll leave you, he just takes good care of you since you are his cousin, and he just feels soo pity for you, don't you see it?" Her angelic voice made Syira's heart tightening, she wanted to just scream at her, but also wanted to hear more.

So she played along ,

" uhuh, soo, is there anything you want to add some?" She asked, rolling her eyes. She will not get into her dirty trap.

"Noo , its just, i want to say that, you made his life useless, your memories with your love are reallly important, and you dont have that! You had lost all of that! And now Zayn has to take care of you, can't you just, let him free? Free from his stupid responsibility on someone that doesn't even remember her own husband!" Syira's gripped on the phone started to tighten and she snapped at her.

" Thanks .." She mumbled .

" yeah whatever" the girl's voice could be heard on the other line as she hung up , right now her forehead was sweating, feeling burning inside of her heart, but also a little part of her thought that it was kind of true, what she said is all ....true. She can't remember anything.

The blue pen that was placed on Syira's lips fell on the paper when she heard the doorbell rang, she immediately looked at the sliding door to see that her stepbrother , Imran was here. She took the shawl and put it on her head before making her way towards the door.

" Assalamualaikum my sister!" He said with happy tone while handing the bags to Syira. She grinned while gladly accepted the bags.

" I'm about to tell you that I'm visiting," he stated while still standing on the front door. " But I totally busy with the work that I didn't realise I'm already here" he joked as Syira nodded her head.

" Zayn's home?" He asked while looking around the house. " no, he's outside," she simply stated while inviting him in.

" Just outside? Where did he go? My plan is to visit you both, since I'm going back to the airport later on" he told her as he sat on the stool at the kitchen, watching Syira made some tea for him.

" I don't know" she muttered , trying to avoid talking about him. She was totally scared of him after what happened this morning, hoping that it's just a nightmare.

Imran furrowed his eyebrows and said. "Okay,  you guys are fighting about what?" Syira rolled her eyes and turned around to face him.

" I have amnesia, I can't remember anything, am I making his life useless? You know he has to take care of me, since I'm his cousin.." she was about to continue when Imran interrupted her.

"Wife, you are his wife, be careful what you're saying, he might have hurt if you said that " He stated sternly while sipping his tea. Syira stared at him and nodded her head slowly.

Zayn stopped the car as he stared at the car in front of his house. His heart still ached from what she asked this morning, and now there's a guest? This will not end well. He stepped out of the car and eavesropping them . He heard a laugh from the kitchen and there was a guy's voice too, is he her college friend?

He thought and immediately went outside , trying to think straight on how to deal with this guy. He took the spanar in his bonet car and about to yell when suddenly her stepbrother came out from the kitchen and stood still to see Zayn with spanar on his left hand,  trying to hit him. Zayn's eyes widened and also stood still.


Thanks to who still reading and voting eventhough I  updated a year later 😅, I'll try my best , love u guys.

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