Chapter 25: His words II

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On our honeymoon night, you once asked a question that never came across my mind.

" What if our marriage was not arranged?"

It scared me to even think about the answer. I thought its just your imagination that we will never experienced. The night you lost all your memories, the reality kicked in. Its like the question haunted me. I remembered my answer to you saying : I can't fathom my life without you,

Syira kept reading the paragraph again as she was sitting on the passenger seat next to Imran who was driving. Imran took a glimpse at her and chuckled.

"I'm so happy you called me last night" Imran stated, his hands were on the steering wheel, eyes focused on the road. Syira just smiled. She continued reading the page again.

It's gonna take some time before we fall in love again,
We have been deeply in love before,
You proved me something,
That we can still love someone unconditionally no matter what hurdles get in the way.

He's been there for me, since forever, he took care of me, not simply as cousin, he's my husband, my best friend, and now he's alone, facing the world on his own and she's not by his side, he has done everything for her, and she's not with him at his lowest, how selfish could she be, she excused herself by saying she needs time, how about him? he gave all of his time for you, flying across the sea to set up one single date for you, be by your side almost everyday, and you simply said that you need time and space. And you wondered why he didn't reply your text? Syira thought to herself as the tears threatened to stream down her cheeks again. How dumb can she be.

I'll wait for you

Syira stared out the window of the airplane as she switched her phone to airplane mode, imagining how bad she wanted to hug him right now. How bad she wanted to be there for him. Doesn't matter if she couldn't remember anything, the least she can do is to be there with him.

Memories are just things people create along their journey together, but the feeling of love, it doesn't need memories, what Zayn has done for her before, that is an act of love. How pure the love he has for her even when she had zero clue who he was, yet he still there. She treated him like a stranger, he still there. Worst part was, she asked him to let her go because of one drunk stranger, yet he never gave up.

" Good morning ma'am, would you like something to drink?" The stewardess asked politely, seeming that Syira was very deeply in her thought. She nodded her head, flashing her a small smile.


Zayn woke up in the middle of the night out of sudden, the sound of light breathing filled his entire room, which was shortly followed by a heavy sigh. He laid his head back on the pillow, head slowly turned to his side, reaching the empty space next to him, he never once sat on her side, saving it for her just in case.

He diverted his eyes away from her space on the bed, his face displayed a look of worried as he stood up, looking up at the digital clock upon his nightstand and saw that it was nearly 12 am. It had only been two hours since he fell asleep and as a consequence, he hardly felt rested.

Restless night were a common thing for him nowadays even when he had left the band and finally decided to go on his own, producing his type of music, he still needs to go to the studio , sometimes even spend the nights there instead, but he learned to deal with that kind of life when he was still in the band, so it is no different now.

Zayn touched the cold metal doorknob of his room and stepping out, he heard footsteps approaching him. He turned his head over to the source of the sound and relaxed upon seeing his sister, Waliyha, who had been staying over at his for the past 2 weeks to keep him accompany, she knows that he was down these days, considering many hatred messages he received for leaving the band, so she decided to stay at his house since she was also on her summer break.

" Zayn," his sister said with kind smile, she took a step forward towards him. " It's nearly midnight, what're you doing?"

He let out a dry laugh as he ran his hand in his almost blonde hair, " how about you?"

Waliyha giggled airily. " Doniya called me, she asked me to come home now, it's an urgent she said" her expression suddenly turned serious.

" Everything's okay?" Zayn asked.

"yeah, if you consider picking up a dress for your date tomorrow is an urgent, then she's not okay" Waliyha rolled her eyes, as she picked up her shoes to wear them, Zayn laughed heartily and walked her to the door.

" Go get some sleep though Zayn, you have your new meeting about your album tomorrow" Waliyha gently suggested.

" Maybe a bit later" he replied shortly.

Her brown eyes looked on to her brother worriedly, sleeplessness was a common thing for Zayn nowadays and Waliyha knew that it wasn't just because he was stressed from leaving the band, from all the news of him, from all the rumours . There was something else - or rather, someone.

"You're not still losing sleep over...her, are you?" she asked.

Zayn looked away, in a slow murmur, he told her.

".... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't" He met Waliyha's gaze and continued.

" I keep having dreams about her- about the night she cried for me to leave her, as if it was an easy thing to do" the frustration was evident in his voice.

"She's still my wife, how am I supposed to accept the fact she might ask for a divorce anytime soon, when I still can't even sleep without thinking about her?" the crestfallen expression upon Waliyha's face quickly changed as she sharply shook her head.

"I don't know either" she muttered to him. Zayn just shrugged, putting both his hands inside his sweatpants pockets.

"Sleep tight Zayn," She sighed and stood up, picking her keys and hugged him one last time. Zayn smiled lovingly and waved her goodbye.

He closed the front door and walked further to the kitchen, taking out some juice from the fridge and poured it into the glass. He sat on the stool at the kitchen bar while looking around his empty house. His eyes fell upon the fancy stove, he barely cooks in the house, but he smiled remembering Syira would experiment her new recipes there, watching her gracefully glided in their kitchen, her skirts would flow beautifully , the pink apron was still hung next to fridge, her eyes would focus on her book while her lips would twitch to a cheeky smile, a smile tugged on his lips remembering her, sipping the juice along the way.

He sat there for about half an hour when suddenly the doorbell rang. He turned around, shaking his head thinking it must be Waliyha, she must have forgotten her stuff before she left just now. He jogged towards the door and unlocked it. He expected it to be his sister, who would be laughing or running out of breath, saying how could she forget her wallet or whatsoever.

But he would never expect it to be her,

the girl whom he just smiling about in the kitchen half an hour ago,

who made his past two months a total mess,

his wife,

he made note of how puffy her eyelids were and her luggage next to her. She must have been crying a lot and that thought alone sent a piercing pain through Zayn's heart.

He stood still, his grip around the doorknob tightened, his eyes fixed to hers. He was speechless. Was this a dream? Was he sleeping all this time?

His vision started to blur, but he willed himself to steady his stand at the door, his pearly white teeth ground against each other as he felt pure adrenaline fill his veins, innervating his muscles and electrifying his senses. He wanted to say something, but he was more afraid of what she's doing here.

He tried to keep his eyes on the girl in from of him and away from the thought of her asking him to leave her again.

" Zayn..." her voice cracked as she called his name, grabbing her luggage next to her by her side.

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