Part 30 - Zayn?!-

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*I fell in love with the pic above* melts*

Warning : none

The crowd roared as a cloud of multi-colored fog fills the whole stage. Glow sticks illuminated the stadium, the cheers of thousand Directioners and fans filled the stadium. The fast paced beating of the strum in a intense pattern, and the strum of the electric guitar, followed by the claps of thousands in the same unison beat.

The five boys figures appeared in the center of the stage , and the crowd went wild at the sight of them. The music started with the beat of the drum and the strum of the guitar accompanied with the bass.

'my hands, your hands, tied up like two ships'

'drifting, weightless, waves try to break it, I'd do anything to save it, why is it so hard to say it'

The crowd cheered and sang along to the lyrics , raising their posters and jumping with the boys as they sang their song " Strong" .

'I'm sorry if I say I need you'

But I don't care , I'm not scared of love

Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker

Is that so wrong, it is so wrong

That you make me strong.

They sang as they waved their hands to the crowds, flashing smile and goofy expressions to the huge flock of fans and being thrown gifts that each had been planning years, months and weeks to give them.

The boys made their way to the edge of the stage to touch their fans' hands as it will fulfill their wishes.

" Oh My gosh!!! I'll never wash this hand in my entire life!!!" One of the fans exclaimed as the boys held their hands . Harry laughed a little as he heard that and continued their singing.

Zayn faked a smile and sang when it came to his part. He just stared at the crowds and sweat glistening on his forehead as he sang his part while shutting his eyes.

So baby hold on to my heart,

Need you to keep me from falling apart

I'll always hold on

Cause you make me strong

The bass thumped like his own heart, the feeling of his last encounter with Syira piercing every single piece of his heart. He tried to blink the tears away but failed .

Suddenly, tears rolling down his cheeks and he fell on his knees, head lowered as the boys immediately went to him, soothing him that it's okay if he wanted to take a break.

The crowds gasped at the sight of him like that and the boys took him to the backstage.


" Are you sure Zayn?" Liam asked as Zayn packed his clothes in his bags. He nodded his head and smiled at him. Liam smiled back and patted him on the back.

"Bring her back Zayn" Louis said with a wicked glint in his eyes.

"you know the right thing to do Zayn" Harry said and hugged him.

"You know what I told you" Niall said with a small smile.

"Bye guys" Zayn yelled from the car and smiled as they waved him off.



" I know I shouldn't say this .. but I just want you to know that.. I love you.." he added harshly as Syira looked at him with blank look. He then stared back at Syira who was still holding her chocolate bars in her hand but her eyes darted everywhere.

" I'm sorry Omar.. But.." She about to continue her words when Omar cut her midsentece.

" you don't have to .. I just want to tell you my feelings, doesn't mean that you should reply my love, it's totally fine" he said gently and she smiled at him.

He looked away and they both just sat there, looking around the park, feeling the silence that clouding over them .

Then , Syira broke the silence.

" I think I should get home right now" Syira said as she glanced at her phone to look at the time.

" Yea.. let me walk you home " Omar said as he stood up and smiled radiantly at her. He felt complete after telling her his true feelings. Even though she didn't reply his love, he felt like the weight on his shoulders had been thrown away and he's happy if she could find the happiness with the one she loves, even the one is not him.

Syira sighed as she remembered what had Omar said yesterday. She smiled as she stared out at the window of her room, looking at the starry night above her.

" promise me Zayn, don't let me go" she muttered to herself .

Then,she dumped herself on the bed , slowly closing her eyes and fell into sleep.


There was nothing more beautiful than the starry night sky that hovered above the city of London. A soft breeze came and Syira breathed in the fresh air while closing her eyes.

Then , two strong hands gripped her waist and pulled her closer, her back hitting against the stranger's chest.

"its beautiful isn't it? But not as beautiful as you" the stranger whispered in her ears softly. A small smile creeped onto her face as she recognize the voice from her husband, Zayn Malik.

She turned around to wrap her hands around Zayn's neck but she found herself alone. She became confused and looked around.

" Zayn!" she screamed as she saw him walking away, leaving her alone in the darkness of the night.


Syira screamed as she jumped up from her sleeping position. She let out a heavy breath as she calmed herself.

Suddenly, a hand gripped hers and she jerked her head to the side. She yelped and her eyes wide opened to see him.

" Zayn! What're you doing here in my room?!!" she yelled.



Hello again! Hope u like the update and feel free to vote and comments. It'll make my day. so..I guess this story will be end soon..and I'm so excited to complete my first ever fanfic!! Yeahhh!

Assalamualaikum and good day!


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