Part 10

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~After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin;They just can't face each other, but still they stay together. ~

Syira's POV

As soon as we took some photos in the room. I walked out and dragged Aysha and Hani who were laughing with Zayn's sister.

" Let me tell you guys something!" I said dragging them away and went straight towards the food zone. I grabbed some chocolates on the table and they did the same. My mom knows that I love chocolates so much , so she prepared them on my wedding. My Wedding!.

"I don't think it'll work out guys!" I said then I stuffed my face with the chocolates in my hand.

"Don't guys are adhorable" Hani said with her face stuffed with chocolates.

"I don't fink so" I said and we all laughed at the way we spoke. It was very funny..the way we looked with chocolates stuffed in our faces. Then it got creepy as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I startled and yelped.

' please don't be my mom' I thought as I turned slowly.

The best part wasn't her. It was worse..I was looking startled with my face full of chocolates at my cousin which is also my husband. -.-. Zayn.

He looked amused as I began guiltily chewing my chocolate as I saw his eyebrows rise and his!.. his eyes!.. 'Conceal..don't feel' I repeated that words in my head.

Aysha was rambling "the thing" I had for chocolates. She didn't speak in proper pronunciation and sounded like a 6 year old girl. I was so ashamed that he had to see me in my depressed mode. Not that I was trying to impress him.....was I ?


Zayn's POV

I was rather amused! I mean when I found her stuffing her face with chocolates..she was so guilty ridden that her eyes said that she wished to be invisible at this moment.

She quickly covered her mouth and began chewing it off with great effort. Oh Allah! Did she looks adorable? Her friend was going on and on about "the thing" Syira had for chocolates.

" um.. my Mom and Dad wanted to meet you.. I'd wait for you" I said and about to turn when she said " Oh.. I'm done".

I offered my arm and she seems hesitated but took it anyway. She was conscious of non-existing chocolate stains on her face. I grabbed a napkin and wiped her left cheek. She was caught off guard and she turn into a color! She was blushing ! I love making her blush ! it gave me a feeling of mischief and satisfaction. *smirk*. I could hear her friends squealed behind us. I heard Aysha said something that must roughly translate to :

"Oooooohhh my!! Did you see what Zayn did just now?!!"

My father gave her a large smile as she returned the smile with even more genuinely so. My mom gave her a warm smile and took her in her arms before Syira could do the thing. " Welcome dear!, I can't believe that Zayn will bring home a bride!" she squealed.

" Surprise-surprise " I said in mono tone and let the sarcasm right into them. My mom gave me half-a-glare as I just smirked at her.

Finally after 2 hours of pointless social necessities.. the food was served.


" Thank you for coming" Syira's mom said to the last guests and closed the door.

"Pheww.. I'm so tired but also really happy !" my mom said and went into the guests room. My sisters already in their rooms, sleeping. We will stay here for 2 days and fly back to London .. with Syira of course.

Syira's POV

Zayn and I went to 'our' room and he closed the door behind us. Zayn said something about taking a shower and disappeared behind one of the doors. There were two doors leading to two bathrooms so I went to the other one. I sighed and after quickly washing my body and hair, I brushed my teeth and did the wudu'. I let my hair out of my braid then left the bathroom. I noticed that Zayn still in the bathroom then I performed my Isya' prayer. After done my praying, I did the dua'a and noticed that Zayn was laying on the bed while looking at his phone.

Zayn's POV

I left the bathroom and saw that she was doing her prayer. I looked at her and plopped down on the bed. After folding the prayer mat, she sat on the bed and I could hear that she was muttering something. ' I can't believe I'm going to sleep with him' she muttered and I smirked.

"what did you say?" I said and also sat on the bed . "Nothing" she answered simply and took the blanket and some pillows. " Liar" I said and she glared at me. " I said I don't want to look at your face while I'm sleeping" she said as I just chuckled.

" me either" I replied and without warning we were building a fort with some pillows so that we could divide our space on the bed.

" That is my pillow!" She yelled and grabbed the pink pillow in my hand . I smirked and held it tighter not wanting her to easily take it away. We were fighting over this pink pillow and we almost screaming to each other when I heard someone knocked on the door. We both shut our mouth and looked at each other.

" Zayn? Syira? Are you guys fighting?" Syira's mom said .

" can I come in?" she added and I looked at Syira who was asking for me to say 'no'. I smirked and replied " yea Sure" .

Her mom twisted the door knob as Syira slapped me on my arm.

" What are you guys doing?" Her mom said and looked at the pillows that we built as a fort just now.

"Nothing!" Syira replied quickly and silently asked me to answer it. " We just..umm..playing..a war before sleeping" I said while rubbing the back of my neck. "yea.." Syira replied with a wide grin to her mom. Her mom nodded slowly and said " Oo-kayy.. I just wanted to remind Syira to pack her clothes since she will follow you to London" . Syira frowned and nodded her head.

"Goodnight" and with that her mom closed the door. I pulled the blanket and about to sleep when I remember that the light in the room still on.

" Syira..turn off the light" I said with my eyes closed.

"you..turn off the light" she replied .



" I said you!!!"


We went on like that for about 15 minutes and I can't believe we were fighting over this stupid light on our wedding night. I sighed and at last, we both just sleep with the light still on.

Assalamualaikum! Thanks for the 900+ reads and guys.. Seriously.. Plz vote!

Goodbye my beautiful readers!


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