Part 17 - First Thing First -

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Zayn's POV

"Goodbye! Take care love" Mom said and waved happily at Syira. Mom winked at me while my other sisters patted me on the back while mouthing some 'good luck'. I smiled at my dad and he gave me a warm smile.

Then, I opened the car door for Syira and ran to the driver's seat. " Okay! Now are you going to tell me where are we going?" Syira said as I started the car engine.

"Not yet" I said and started to drive . She huffed and leaned on the window car, looking at the beautiful view. I glanced at her and she was twiddling her thumbs, seems like she was thinking something.

" Are you okay?" I asked while still focusing my eyes on the road.

She looked at me and sighed.
" Can I ask something?" She said slowly and I nodded my head.
" Where are you going last night? Sarah came home alone" She asked.

" To be honest, I went to meet Perrie" I said in a mono tone and I know it's weird to tell the truth,but I don't think I need to lie about it. Syira knew that Perrie was my girlfriend back then, so I'm sure she's okay if I met my her. Syira nodded her head and I smirked at her.

" Jealous right?" I said and she glared at me. " Of course not! I don't care if you wanted to meet her. She's your friend and I'm happy to know that you are still in contact with her." She said with a high voice. I chuckled at her and she immediately turned on the radio.

" Next is 'Kiss You' from One Direction!" the DJ announced and Syira immediately looked at me. " It's your band!" She said and turned up the volume. I laughed at her and quickly grabbed her hand when I know that the first solo is mine.

" Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you like! We could go out any day any night! Baby I'll take you there, take you there, baby I'll take you here yeah!" I sang while holding her hand and she was blushing, but tried to hide it by yelling at me about the drive safety.

" Whose solo's is this?" She asked me. " Harry" I answered and then she kept on asking about them.

" this is Niall's solo" I said and she nodded her head.

" The blonde one? " She asked again and I smiled at her.

" he's a brunette actually" I said.

" Oh! He's kinda cute" Syira said and I glared at her. " How about the black-haired one, He's hot right?" I said and snickered at her.

Syira's POV

" Uhmm.. He's okay.. he has a good voice" I said . ' What am I talking about! Yes you're hot! You're perfect!' I screamed in my head.

" Seriously? No fangirling?" He asked . " Well.. It must be weird for me to fangirl at my own husband in front of him" I said and he laughed. Then, he continued his carpool karaoke as I listened to his voice.

Zayn's POV

I smiled at myself when I glanced at her, she looks really happy , made me remembered about the talk I had with Perrie last night.

Flashback -last night-

" Hey! Everything's okay?" I asked Perrie who was smiling at me, holding her mug. I ordered a basic coffee and settled down in front of her. " Yea.. I'm okay.. Just need someone to talk with, sorry for disturbing you tho" she replied . "It's okay, we're still friend right?" I asked and she gave me a warm smile.

We talked at each other for a while and she told me about her new albums and I'm happy to see her smile again.

" So! How's your wife?" she asked and tried to keep her voice happy.
" She's fine. I'm fine. We're fine" I said and she laughed hearing my answer. " You look so happy lately" She said and I nodded my head. " yea.. I know right?" I said and thanked the waiter who served my coffee.

" I'm so glad that you're happy with her.." she stated and smiled.
I could sense something in her voice , but pushed that thought away as I remember Syira.

"How about you?" I asked and she chuckled a little. " Nothing, just busy with the concerts and all-" We chatted for a while about our career, some lame jokes and I had to admit that we felt more comfortable wih being just friend. She's great friend.

" So ? Did you guys thinking about having kids?" she asked and laughed at her own question.
" Haha! I'm 22 Perrie! And she's too young for that type of commitment .. She's 20!" I said.

" Oh come on Zayn!" she yelled while giving me her mischievous smile. I shook my head . " I don't know about it" I replied and smiled at her.

" It's easy!! Okay! What do you see when you look ahead of your future?" She asked me. I was about to answer something off the top of my head - when a vision invaded my mind, almost as if it's trying to show me my future.

Five years from now, I see a little girl with brown, curly pigtails in her pink cute dress sitting on her knees, on a table , not a table at my current house, colouring a picture. I walk into the kitchen and the girl turns around , I see her face looks like Syira as a baby. Except for one thing : she has my eyes.

" Baba!!" she cries and jumps down from the table to hug me at my knees. I hear a soft laugh behind me before someone encircle my waist.

'"I'd say she missed you" a voice says and I turn around to look Syira who is smiling at me.

" and I miss you" I say and kiss her forehead.

" Baba! Look at this!" the girl cries while showing her art.
" It's beautiful! Isn't it Zayn?" Syira cooes and she goes to scoop the little girl in her arms.

" It is" I say and put my arms at both of them, hug them and put my chin on Syira's head. I close my eyes and smile.

" Zayn? " Perrie waved her hands at me. " hm? " I said and did not even realized that tears already formed in my eyes.

" Awww.. It's so cute that you get all teary just to imagine about her" Perrie said and smiled happily. " do you really care that much? I mean she must be very special for you" Perrie added .

" yeah.. Actually our marriage was arranged and I don't know why.. Suddenly I feel something for her.. Something sparks when I speak to her..I feel different .." I trailed off and I saw Perrie's eyes full of gentleness.

" I think you should tell her your feeling Zayn.. So that she knows that you love her " Perrie explained and I nodded in agreement.

"yeah....but first thing first"I said.

" and what's that?"

" I need to go buy a house"

End of flashback

" what are we doing here Zayn?!" Syira said and I could see her face , full of excitement but at the same time, she felt like nervous. I smiled and lead her towards the big house.

" Zayn! Oh hi! " A blonde girl greeted them and immediately walked to them.

" Hi Vanessa" I said and held Syira's hand.

" you must be Syira! Zayn told me many things about you" she shook her hand.

" He did?" Syira asked curiously and looked at me with a weird look and I shrugged at her.

"So! You guys ready to look at the house?" Vanessa said and gave us a wide grin. Syira's eyes wide open and looked at me, silently asking me what's goin on. " Surprise?"


Assalamualaikum! So.. Whatcha think ? I wrote this is a hurry because yup! Homework and all.
btw.. Thanks for reading... And Vote!Comment!

In this chapter, I wanna thanks @mala0786.. she votes like every chapters.. Thank you *bows*

Good Day! :)

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