Part 23 - Four months-

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Warning : grammar errors etc.

'Four months?! This meant four freaking months without Zayn Malik. Four months without his smirks and unneccesery remarks that he used to give before the fight. Four months without hugs and -

Four months from anyone who had made her feel so alive before, her husband '

And she doesn't know what to do.

Syira lost in her deep thoughts as  she received the news from Zayn this morning, he told her about the tours they have to go that will last for four months!

She immediately brought back to reality when Aysha answered her skype call. She smiled radiantly at her and waved her hand at the screen of her laptop.

" Aysha!! " she said  happily.

" I miss you! So much!" Aysha said as she cupped her face.

" So? How are you? Why did you want to skype with me by the way ? Are you ok? Is everything alright?" she asked almost short of breath and Syira laughed at her.

" I have a good news!!" Syira exclaimed as she gave her a wide grin.

" What?"

" I got the offer!" Syira replied.

" offer-?"

" To the university!! Did you remember that I had wrote my name ?" Syira said as she tried to contain herself from screaming about the good news.

" R-really? Alhumdulillah!! Oh my Allah! You made it!" Aysha exclaimed with excitement in her voice.

" Alhumdulillah! I'm so excited!! I can't wait! This is the dream that I had since I was 15!! Alhumdulillah!!!" Syira said and her eyes full with happiness.

" Congrats girl !! So? Are you guys going to move or what? It's California ! " Aysha asked .

Syira silenced as she heard her asked.

" Syira.. Don't tell me you didn't tell Zayn about this yet"

Syira nodded her head slowly, her excitement in her chest had been replaced with regretment.

" I don't even get a chance to talk with him" Syira said as she looked down on her lap, tears forming and she wipes them immediately.

" Hey.. What' wrong? Are you guys arguing ? tell me" Aysha asked with a low voice.

Syira nodded her head instantly and tears falling down her cheeks. " He was mad at me" she added. " I-I said something that I shouldn't" she said between her sobs. " Since then, he never talk to me .. Well.. This morning he said something..  about his tour with the boys" she stated.

" he's going on tour? For how long? how about you? " Aysha asked curiously.

" four months! I don't want to live alone in this big house! I mean.. I know Zayn didn't treat me well lately..but as long as he's here with me.. I feel safe even he didn't want to talk with me for months. I-I can't live without him" she finally spilled out her feelings and Aysha smiled hearing her words.

" you love him " Aysha stated.

" Hmm.. Kinda... Maybe.. Well.. Yes, I am falling for him " She replied and took some tissues to wipe the tears.

" how about you tell Zayn that you want to follow him on his four months tours? You're his wife anyway" Aysha suggested , smiled happily at her. Syira felt awkward. Her chest tightened at the mention of four months without Zayn.

" You think so? "

" I'm sure he's okay with it.. You can tell him tonight!" Aysha said as she nodded her head.

" Yeah.. I'll try and I am going to tell him about my studies too. What do you think?" Syira asked for her best friend's point of views.

"You should! Try to wear something pretty tonight..put on some  light make up or whatever.. And prepare candle light dinner or anything!" Aysha suggested and laughed at her own opinions.

"Don did gave me this beautiful dress more like a night gown actually on my wedding night" Syira said .

" Sweet! Ok then!  Good Luck girl!" Aysha said as she smiled at her.

" Ok! I'll never give up on him!" Syira said with confident in her voice.


' I give up! I was waiting on the couch , watching some princess movies, wear this red dress that falls right under my knees , this is too revealing! Huh.. Maybe this was not a good idea in the first place.

"he's your husband ! Keep that in mind !" Aysha's words repeatedly told in her mind.

'Fine! I'm going to wait for him matter what will happen' Syira thought and focused back her eyes on the movie.


Zayn closed the door slightly and shrugged off his jacket. Ruffling his hair before making his ways upstairs, he stopped when he noticed that the tv was still on.

He walked towards the living room and was surprised to see  Syira who was sleeping on the couch with remote tv in her right hand. He took the remote slowly and turned off the tv. Then he turned to look at Syira once again and couldn't help but stare at her resting face.

Luckily she was sleeping, then he kneeled down in front of her, noticed that she put on some light make up and some lipstick, her brown hair was neatly braided and fell on her left shoulder, he smiled , gazing at her beautiful face. She stirred a little and her eyes fluttered open when she saw Zayn.

Zayn froze to the spot and immediately pretended to search his phone under the couch.

" Zayn?"

" I..was searching for my's fell under the couch" Zayn lied and pretended to look for his phone under it.

" Did you find it?" Syira asked as she stood up to also help him to look for his phone under the couch.

" I found it" Zayn said as he shoved his phone in his pocket amd stood up. Syira nodded her head and also got on her feet in front of him, stroking her already crumple dress.

Zayn looked at her and surprised to see her dress. Zayn furrowed his brow at her as she rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned. Syira noticed that he stared at her and immediately she  froze. Then it hits her, she need to impress him, but failed miserably when she fell asleep on the couch tonight.

Zayn just shook his head and about to walk when Syira stopped him.

" Wait!  uhh.. I..prepared dinner"

" I'm full"

" No! Not this time Zayn.. You have to eat with me tonight!"

" I said no "

" Please "

" no " he said resolutely.

" I'll not eat either..." she replied and waited for him to give up with this.

He sighed before walking towards the dining room as Syira slowly followed after him. They took a seat and he started to eat  the food wordlessly.

The awkward atmosphere filled the the air around them and Zayn just ran his hand in his black hair, looking down on his food.

Syira faked a cough and also savouring her dinner while glancing at Zayn.

' I need to tell him. Now. ' Syira thought.

Assalamualaikum! And Hello! So? Whatcha think? Sorry for the really slow updates. Many homeworks need to be done and busy with school and everything. -.- nvm.. But still I got time to update this chapter.

Goodbye my pretty and lovely readers!


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