Part 29

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Warning : As usual.. grammars -.-

*ON T O U R *

" Hi Zayn " Liam poked his head in through the door of Zayn's hotel room. All of them were on their U.S tour in New York as they have a big concert for tomorrow. Liam wasn't surprised at what he saw. It had been a week since Syira left and yet Zayn was already half dead. Zayn laid on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, his black hair sticking out everywhere. Liam nodded at the rest of the boys who stood behind him and they entered the room, shutting the door behind them quietly. They padded over to the bed and squeezed themselves on either side of him.

"Zayn..." Liam started.

"GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER" Louis bellowed. Zayn gave him a blank look.

"I can't- I'm all in pieces."

"well..get some glue and stick yourself back together" Niall said. Zayn just sighed.

"Look..It's all my fault..I'm the one who had asked you to go to the party that night,, " Harry spoke and Zayn smiled while shaking his head.

" no.. It's my fault.. I should know that I'm muslim.. shouldn't go to such place" Zayn sighed again.

"God,, her dad actually knew how to open Youtube?" Louis said as Zayn slightly chuckled.

" as your best friends, we're here to cheer you up" Liam said.

" I miss her" Zayn whispered.

" Zayn,, if you love her you should go back after her." Harry said gently.
" tell her how you feel, bring her back, make her your bride again" Liam added.

There was a pause.

" If only I could "

"but you can!" Niall exclaimed." Just go!"

A single tear rolled down Zayn's cheek.

"Zayn,,you have to .." Louis shut up when Liam shook his head at him vigorously and mouth "not now". Louis nodded.

"we'll be back" They promised before slipped out of the hotel room.

Zayn shut his eyes and ran his hand in his hair. Then, he heard adhan (summons to prayer) from his phone and immediately sat up on his bed. Suddenly , his mind remembered the night that Syira asked for his phone.

"give me your phone Zayn" Syira asked as she sat down next to him who was playing video games.

" what are you doing to my phone?" Zayn asked as he focused his eyes on the video games. Syira rolled her eyes and took his phone.

"I just installed an app that every muslims should have.. it'll alert us to do our salah(prayer)" she explained as she placed his phone back on the coffee table. Zayn nodded his head after that they started to fight what movies should they watch that night.Eventually, the fight ended with Syira sleeping on his lap while he caressing her brown hair gently.

Zayn smiled at the deep thought as he got off the bed and make his way to the bathroom, to do his wudhu'.



She walked ahead to a nearby park and then sat down on one of the dainty bench, looking at the children who were playing together at there. She crossed her legs and watched as couples holding hands and made her felt even worse. Her mind kept replaying to the scene where he'd kissed her before he left her. It didn't take very long for the tears to come crashing down. She dug in her bag for tissues and came up with none. Then, she just wiped her tears with the sleeve .

"excuse me, is there anything.... Syira?" A voice said. She looked up.

" Omar?" she choked out. "what are you doing here?"

" I think I'm the one who should ask you that" he said and sat next to her, but he aware of his distance. " I just got back from candy shop since Aysha kept asking me to buy some chocolates for her," he said then Syira chuckled to see him rolling his eyes at his sister's behavior. They chatted for a while and she told him everything as he listened to her explanation carefully.

" I really miss him so much " She trailed off and Omar averted his eyes from her and looked away.

"Somewhere in the middle of our silly fights, jokes, I fell in love with him". Syira thought in the back of her head.

He smiled gently and dug something from the bag that he placed next to the bench. "here.. hope this will make you feel better" He handed her a chocolates bar as she smiled at him.

"How about Aysha's?" she asked.

" I bought many bars for her,, of course she wouldn't mind if you took some" he said and took a bite of his chocolates. Syira smiled and also took a bite before thanking him.

"Did you still keep the necklace I gave you?" he asked as he looked at her.

" umm.. yeah.. why?" she replied as she fixed her hijab.

" Good to know that " he said softly and Syira furrowed her eyebrows at him.

" You're my best friend.. of course I keep your's a beautiful necklace" she stated and smiled radiantly at him. Omar felt hurts when he heard that words 'best friend' . He wants to be more than that to her. She's married , Omar! Get over her!. He shook his head and ran his hand in his hair .

" Truthfully Syira.." he trailed off, he couldn't hold this feeling anymore.

" I have feelings for you.. " he continued as Syira stared at him blankly.



Assalamualaikum and hey! sorry for the late update. I was so busy lately and couldn't find any time to update . but thanks for reading and voting. And also. I'll update the next chapter tonight or tomorrow insyaAllah since I'm on my school holiday. Tata!!


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