Part 15 -Jealous?-

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Warning : a little fluff (maybe). x)

"Two weeks! Isn't it exciting?!" Sarah exclaimed as she hugged Doniya and Waliyha .

She has this beautiful red hair , pale skin, big blue eyes, and yes.. She's cute. Don and Waliyha told Syira that she lives in Canada and always comes here like once in a year because she said that she loves to spend her time with her cousins, but they all know that she just comes to flirt with Zayn.

" It's been so long since I came here last year!" she added and kissed the air around their cheeks.

" not long enough" Waliyha muttered beside Syira . Syira tried not to burst into laugh as she heard Waliyha said that. She just giggled and Sarah noticed her giggling. Syira gave her a smile .

" oh.. You must be Zayn's cousin too right dear?" she asked as she hugged Syira . Syira noticed she gave her a narrow look but kept her smile on her face.

" Actually.. I'm his wife" Syira said and smirked at her. Don and Waliyha giggled and nudged Syira's arm playfully.

Sarah's eyes wide opened and she stuttered " W-Wife?"

" Oh yeah" Don said while pumping her hand in the air.

Sarah was shocked and tried to keep her smile still but failed miserably. She looks like she going to faint but then Aunt Tricia came and patted her on the back.

" Yeah.. I told your mom last week.. She said that you guys were very busy to attend the wedding" She explained and smiled at her.

" R-really? Oh.. I'm so sorry .. Maybe I forgot since I got many assignments to do last week" Sarah said and faked a smile at Syira.

" Where is Zayn? " she asked simply and carried her luggage into the house.

" He went to some meetings with the boys" Don stated and Sarah nodded her head slowly.

" Go take a bath and rest ,okay dear?" Aunt Tricia said and lead her to the guest room.


" I'm home" Zayn yelled and shut the door behind him. Zayn saw a red-haired girl running to him and he knew that it must be Sarah. Zayn and her were very close when they were around 16 , but he just treated her not more than his cousin and best friend.

" Zayn! Oh how I miss you!" Sarah exclaimed as she brought him for a small hug. Zayn just smiled at her instead of hugging her back.

Sarah noticed that Zayn pulled her slightly and smiled at her .
" When did you arrived ? " he asked while sitting on the couch.

" This morning. You must be tired right? " Sarah asked also sitting on the couch. Zayn nodded and looked around.

" Are they sleeping already?" He asked and Sarah nodded her head. " Of course! It's midnight!" she replied .

" Why didn't you sleep yet?" Zayn asked while walking into the kitchen. Sarah rested her arms on the marble kitchen bar and looked at Zayn.

" I'm waiting for you Duhh" she said while mentally facepalmed herself. " You shouldn't have to" Zayn said and drank a glass of water.

" Are you free tomorrow?" She asked and gave him the puppy eyes looks . Zayn shook his head at her childish behavior.

" I have a meet and greet tomorrow with the fans and need to sign some books" Zayn answered and smiled sheepishly at her .

" Can I follow you guys? You know that I am a directioner too" Sarah said and jumped slightly behind him.

" Yea.. I'll ask Syira too.. She can keep you accompany" Zayn said while heading towards his room.
" O-oh.. Yea sure" Sarah replied in a boring tone. She bid him good night and went to bed.


" Are you saying that you're jealous?" Aysha asked Syira who seems to talk a lot about Sarah when she called her.

" What!? No-No!" Syira protested in her high voice.

" Oh like I don't know you. Your voice will get higher when you indeNiall" Aysha said and Syira scoffed at her words.

" No.. I'm not jealous" Syira said and tried to keep her voice low as much as she could. She heard Aysha lauhing and rolled her eyes. Then, she heard someone twisted the doorknob and realized that it must be Zayn.

" I'll call you again" after that she ended the call and immediately pretend to sleep on the couch.

She heard he closed the door slightly and walked towards the couch. She felt Zayn kneeled down in front of her and she shut her eyes tightly.

She could feel Zayn stared at her and tried not to open her eyes because it would make the situation awkward. She felt Zayn tucked her strand hair behind her ear and Syira's heart beating faster.

She then felt that Zayn leant in closer to her face and she started to get nervous. She could feel his warm,his scent and tried to ignore them.

'Don't you dare!' Syira screamed inside her head and still closed her eyes . At that moment , Zayn's phone vibrated and he immediately stood up and took it ,replying the text he received.

' that was close' Syira thought and she felt relieved when Zayn no longer in front of her.

But that feeling soon interrupted when she felt Zayn's arm under her knees and the other one behind her back. Syira couldn't stand this anymore .

'What's happening?!!"

She opened her eyes and yelped when he saw Zayn was trying to carry her.

"Hey!" She yelled and Zayn put his hand on her mouth , silently asked her to be silent. She still on the couch and muffled in his hand and Zayn laughed at her sound.

" Relax! I just want to put you on the bed!" Zayn said and carried her towards the bed. Syira glared at him and sticked her tongue out at him. She put her arms around Zayn's neck and tickled his neck, eliciting a laugh from him as he tighten his arms around her.

" Haha-Syira! Stop!" Zayn laughed and Syira smirked at her handwork.


"Wait! So he asked you to follow him to the meet and greet?" Aysha screamed while Syira was combing her hair in front of the mirror.

" with Sarah! Dont forget that" Syira exclaimed .

" you can meet with the boys! Oh my.. I'm so jealous with you right now!"

"I would love to but Sarah will always flirting with Zayn.. So I said no! They already left the house just now " Syira said and looked through the window from the room.Aysha laughed and said

"Well! That's it! You should follow them! Make sure that she has no chance to flirt with him!"

" Huh! And waste my time ? No thanks " Syira added while rolling her eyes.


"..Can you send me to the bookstore where One Direction do their meet and greet please?" Syira asked the cab driver while holding her purse. The driver nodded his head and Syira immediately entered the cab.


Hi! I've been so busy with my homework and all since school will start soon. -.-

Btw! Thanks for reading and vote!! Comment!!


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