Part 20 ~I love you ~

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Warning : bad english

Author's POV

Syira once again let out an involuntary yelp as another loud clap of thunder shakes the window after the flash of light appears.

" Are you sure you're okay?"Zayn asked through her phone as she held it tightly to her ear. She let out a shaky breath and calmed herself down.

" yeah.. I'm fine.. " she said as she sat on the couch, the comforter of their bed wrapped herself securely, giving her the warm she needs. Zayn said that he need to stay with the boys tonight because they need to do something important , so she was alone. She didn't really mind about that , the thing that bothered her was the thunder.

She jumped when the next bolt of lightning cracks through the air, but at least she didn’t scream.  At least, not until the lights go out.  “Oh, great…” she groaned.

" What's happening?" he asked worriedly.

" Power's out" she replied as she got off from the couch, making her way towards the kitchen.

"do you want me to come?" he asked .

" No.. I can handle the dark just's just the lightning that bothers me.. Just stay on the phone please..for a while" she replied as she went to hunt some candles from the drawers.

" Sure" Zayn replied .

She cradle the phone in between her ear and shoulder so she could have a free hand to search through the cabinets for candles, since her other hand was holding the flashlight.

"Where did I put those candles?" she mumbled to herself.

" under the sink" he answered. She paused at her movement, surprised that he came with an answer since she didn't really ask him. She went towards the sink, sure enough, there's a stack of candles .

" Thanks Zayn" She said as she placed them on the coffee table in the living room.

" I'm so sorry for disturbing you Zayn" she said .

“Zayn?”  When she still didn’t get a response, she pulled her phone back to look at the screen.

" oh great!"she groaned.

The battery to her phone just died, and since the power was out, she had no way to charge it. She was about to light the candles when the next thunder clap made her jump and squeak, and this time, she didn’t have Zayn’s comforting presence to help calm her down.

She tried to lit up the candles again , unfortunately her hands were shaking so badly that she could not hold the matches properly. Then, she decided to just stay in the room, curling on the bed with her comforter.


Zayn cut the engine the second he stopped in the driveway, removing the keys and hopping off, rushing to the front door and using his key on his keyring to open up the door, locking it behind him , shaking out his dark hair before going upstairs.

"Syira?" He called.He opened up the bedroom door to see her  hunched form under the blanket. He pulled up the comforter on the other side of the bed and slipped underneath it, his form curling perfectly with hers.

" Z-zayn?" She said as she looked up to see him , smiling down at her. " What're you doing here?" she asked again.

“All of a sudden your phone cut off mid sentence, and I couldn’t reach you again.  I had to make sure you were alright.”  He explained . " I'm fine .. You shouldn't have .. What will the boys said to me-"


Zayn thanked the thunder for cutting the lecture short . Zayn just pulled her closer as she hid herself in his chest.

" Shh.. It's alright.. I'm here" he tried to comfort her and patted her hair.

"You're so warm" Syira mumbled slowly and her voice was heavy as she was so sleepy.

“If the storm wakes you up and you get scared again, let me know, okay?” he whispered to her.  When she didn’t respond, he looks down to see that she's already asleep.  He smiled sweetly, realizing that he'll be here to protect her tonight.

He buried his face into her hair,  feeling his own level of tiredness rising.  “Sleep tight, beautiful.  I’ll be here all night to protect you, I love you” he whispered before falling asleep as well.


Next day

Syira jumped off the couch towards  the coffee table when she heard her phone rang. She was texting with Zayn just now , receiving some funny messages from him. She smiled when she received every messages from him, realizing that he must be so bored in the studio today.

She paused when she saw an unfamiliar number called her. She stared at her phone before answering it.

" Hello?" she waited for the person to respond. But frowned when she heard nothing.

" Umm.. Wrong number" she said and about to hang up when she heard someone's voice.

" Hi.." she felt relieved when she heard it was a girl's voice.

" Hi.. Umm.. Who's this?" she asked and sat on the couch, crossing her legs.

" I'm.. Perrie.. Umm.. I'm sure you've known me before" She froze to hear her voice.

" Oh Perrie!! " she replied with a happy voice.

" Umm. Zayn's not here.. He's at the studio .. " Syira said as she changed the T.V channel.

"Oh..No-no.. I actually want to talk to you... " Perrie replied.

"hm? Sure.. Is something wrong?" Syira asked as she turned off the t.v, holding her phone tightly to her ear.

" Can I meet you? ...umm...Starbucks?" Perrie said .

" okay..sounds great.. "

" great,  See you in five"

She ended the call and Syira immediately shoved it in her pocket. Put her hijab on and took the key, not realizing that she didn't ask Zayn's permission first. She just shut the door and called a taxi.



Hi! Yes I know this story is really slow.. Like reallyyy.. Haha.. Sorry!! Btw.. Thx for reading! Luv y'all !!


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