Chapter 21 : I always will.

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Notes : I freaking love the gif above 😍😍😍😍

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Warning : Grammars

Zayn stood in front of the airport, his bags clung behind his back as he looked around. The bodyguards surrounded him due to the fans that were asking him to take pictures. He looked down on his phone and drew out a long sigh, not receiving any text from her. He ran his hand in his hair and mentally face palmed himself of his foolish act last night. Damn you Omar, he thought as he faked a smile towards his fans.

What happened last night is not like he was expecting it to be.

Last night.

"Zayn!" He heard Syira shouted across the room as he turned around to face her crimson face. She was mad. She immediately stomped out of the restaurant towards the balcony, knowing he will follow behind her. He reluctantly looked back to see Omar who was trying to stand up, his nose was bleeding and saw Aysha came running towards him.

" What is going on?!" Aysha yelled while holding her brother's arms. Zayn could hear Aysha whispered silently behind him as he reached the balcony to see Syira who was looking at the view. She turned around and her eyes were red and puffy.

" What the hell were you thinking?" She asked as she stood in front of him.

" that's a good question because I have been driving myself insane trying to save what we have!" He exclaimed .

"Then you simply talked to him-"

" we were just talking!" She yelled.

" talking? I notice the way you look at him Syira"

"I know because you used to look at me that way," Zayn trailed off.

" I've been there for you from the day you woke up from your comma until right now, but still, that is not enough for you, you still think we couldn't work this out," he explained.

" Zayn, I-"

" No no, I think we need to start being realistic right now... your memory is not coming back" Zayn intoned. Syira burst into tears when she heard him saying that. He has giving up on her.

" The fact is that, I'm still a stranger to you or just a cousin," he said.

" I'm not trying to hurt you but I'm just... so tired of disappointing you," she said between her sigh. Zayn stared at her and nodded. " I know," he mumbled.

" I'm tired of saying sorry to you whenever you want to hug me, tired of living under the same roof with someone I had no idea how we fell in love, I'm tired Zayn." she said while shaking her head.
Zayn looked down onto the floor and calmly backed off.

" I know, I'll say sorry to Omar and your friends for ruining your reunion tonight," he muttered.

" Ya rabbi, no it's fine," she said, her eyes teary as she sniffed. " Zayn, "I think I need some time, before going home with you again tomorrow. " she added, still sniffing as she wiped her eyes. Zayn gazed at her and his heart aching to hear that.

" How do you look at a girl you love and then tell yourself to walk away?"

Syira sighed again and more tears falling down her cheeks. Zayn nodded his head and made his ways towards the exit when she added.

" I hope one day I can love you the way that you love me," she stated.

" You had loved me before, you'll do it again," Zayn replied and walked away.

Zayn's thought was interrupted by the feeling of his phone vibrating in his hand. He opened the message and saw Syira had finally texted him.

Syira: Have a safe journey Zayn.

Zayn's eyes were blurry as he saw the text. He knows by the text she means she'll not come with him to London today. Or maybe she has made her choice clear, maybe she doesn't want to live with him again. Maybe she doesn't want to be his wife anymore. A shed of tear dropped onto his phone, making him realised that he was crying in public with his fans looking. They were screaming as they saw him wiping his eyes.

Zayn smiled to them and waved his hand when he heard his flight is here.


Few days later.

" Syira, I don't think this is a good idea" Imran whispered as both of them sat on the bench at the backyard. Looking through all the flowers and mini garden her mum has made perfectly. Her pink scarf around her head matched the flowers there. " He's your husband. This is not right, you need to go back to him. You can't stay here while he's in London" Imran added as she sighed and shook her head.

" I've talked to him, I said I need time" She exclaimed while standing up and turned around. Uncle Bokhan stood in front of the door and sighed to look at his only daughter in this kind of situation. Her dad slowly opened his arms, asking her to hug him.

She immediately walked towards him and got into his warm hug. Feeling safe than ever in his dad's hug. Borkhan patted her head and calmed herself down.

" why did you arrange my marriage to him? Why can't I just be here, be your little girl ," she muttered.

" Syira, I know what I did, It's for the best, It's okay, we'll give you the time alright, maybe you need some time with your family too right now," he said as she nodded her head in agreement.

" You can help me to run the cafe while you're here" his dad suggested while grinning down at her. She just chuckled and smiled. " I'd love to"


Zayn sat alone in the little cafe around the corner. The cafe is tiny and not so many people been there so he always goes there. Spending his time with his bodyguards sometimes, talking about their hectic and non-privacy life, but tonight he was alone. Thinking about his marriage that is not going pretty well right now. He sipped at his coffee and looked down at his phone, scrolling down his images.

Suddenly he turned his phone around and slid open the cover. He could see a small paper, it was placed perfectly under the cover. He took the small paper that Syira wrote on the night of their honeymoon and read it to himself.

'I loved you yesterday, I love you still, I always have and I always will'

He could hear Syira's sweet voice at the back of his head as he crumpled the small paper and kept it in his pocket.

He could feel someone was staring at him as he felt the person gently moving the chair, meaning the person wants to sit in front of him. He looked up to see the Blondie casually took a seat. He sighed and about to leave when she spoke.

" I'm so sorry Zayn" Gigi remarked while Zayn rubbed his face, trying not to yell and calm himself down. He gave her a look and sat back on his chair.

" I'm sorry for what I said. I really want to talk to her and clear everything back-" her sentence was cut as Zayn shook his head.

" You know what, I'm done," he declared.

"Wha- are you okay?" Gigi asked calmly when she saw him burying his head in his palms.

"It's over, I'm giving up" he added once more than Gigi shook her head.

" What have I done, No, You can't give up on her, give me her number, I can talk to her right now" Gigi said in harsh as her eyes looking at him, realising she just hurts the feeling of the man she loves. She doesn't want to see him sad, let alone breaking down in front of her and it was all because of her.

" No, if we were meant to be together, we would be together right now," Zayn said as he stood up.

" But she doesn't love me," he stated.

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