Epilogue - Sunset -

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A few months later,

Syira's POV

"Guys! " Harry screamed.

An angry voice echoed through from the upstairs, trailing all the way down to the dining room. I sighed, "what did they do now." . I said as I looked over Waliyha who was sitting on the couch, with her phone in her hand. She came here today to spend her day with the boys, but it seems like she was spending her time with her phone more .We both chuckled to hear that screaming voice from upstairs , then I continued to serve some snacks for the boys .

Yup, the boys were on their break and today they decided to hang out with Zayn in our house just for today. Unfortunately, Zayn already made a plan for both of us today, just us two. He told me last night that he wants to bring me somewhere and it was a surprise. I was so excited about it of course!.

" Syira,, Zayn said that he's on his way now, he'll pick up you soon" Waliyha stated as she smirked at me playfully. I just nodded and smiled shyly at her, then I went to the kitchen to wash my hand.

"Guys!!Aysha!!!" Harry screamed again. Then I heard a fit of laughter from upstairs as I rolled my eyes. Yes.. Aysha's here. She asked for her parents' permission to come visit me in London. Luckily, they allowed her after her pleading, begging even fighting with her brother , Omar. She gave them an excuse that she had missed me for such a long time. But I knew that it's not the main reason she wants to come here of course, she wants to meet that boy band for sure because the first thing she said when she came was " Where is Zayn!? Where are the boys!?" . I chuckled slightly when I remembered that.

As I made it up the stairs, a pillow flew past my head and loud laughs were heard.

" What the- " at the stop of the stairs , Harry looked at me with a frustrated face, I threw my hand over my mouth , attempting to hold back the laughter that threatened to come out. But failed.

Harry rolled his eyes and mumbled
" Not funny..." he said , rubbing his face. Covering his face with multiple doodles and words. 'CURLIES' was splayed across his forehead in big bold letter with sharpy, along with many drawing on his cheeks . And to top it all off, every time he blinks, you could see lashes and pupils drawn messily on his eyelids.

Soon enough, Aysha and the boys laughed with me. Harry looked at Aysha and pouted, " How could you go against your own crush .." Aysha's face has a light tint of pink on her cheeks as she glared at him.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and I bid my goodbye to them as they replied back by whistling at me . I just wore a plain purple shirt under my black cardigan and a pair of jeans with a black hijab. Then , I opened the door to see Zayn who was smiling sweetly at me , he took my hand in his and I stepped out with him. "Have fun you two! " Waliyha said enthusiastically as she shut the door.

Author's POV

" you have to be punished for all these" Harry said to Aysha as he pointed his index finger to his funny face.

" what! No! it was the boys' idea!" she protested as they all laughed again. Harry then gave them a subtle nod as Louis smirked at him and pushed the boys towards the stair.

" Have to go! Snacks waiting for me downstairs" Niall said as he and the other boys immediately made their way downstairs and laughter echoed along with them.

"What!- this is unfair-" Aysha groaned as she looked at them, then turned her body towards Harry while crossing her arms on her chest. Harry smirked at her and playfully walked around her in circle. She just stood there nervously, twiddling her thumbs .

" As for the punishment..." Harry trailed off while looking at her with smile, she just hummed in reply.

" You have to go out with me , ice skating, tonight" Harry stated simply as Aysha's eyes widened open to hear that. " You-ice-me-skating-tonight?" she stuttered as Harry chuckled at her.

"yea.. as a punishment" he corrected his words. Aysha looked at him and muttered " that's not a punishment, that's a dream comes true" . "What did you say?" Harry asked as he furrowed his brows. " Nothin" Aysha replied harshly .

Harry smiled radiantly at her and gazed at her face, she wore this cute maroon hijab that makes her looks so beautiful. Aysha then glared at him and turned away.

" I take that as a yes" Harry said then Aysha just rolled her eyes playfully, then a smile plastered on her face as she walked downstairs.






"You did not!"

"I did!"

Zayn's and Syira's laughter mixed together as they both sat together on a bench park where they used to play when they were little, the park when they once argued over some gummy bears and gummy worms. Zayn was recounting one of his stories from his childhood that left Syira gasping for air. She didn't know how much time had passed by, and frankly, neither of them actually cared. All that seems to matter in that moment in time , was the presence of each other. Soon, the sun began to set, displaying a beautiful harmony of colors.

"and then I -"

She stopped mid sentences, her brown eyes turning towards the setting sun. The beautiful colors took her breath away, and a peaceful bliss settled over her. The warm colors stirred a mixture of emotions inside of her, and she sighed.

"isn't it beautiful, Zayn?" she whispered, still in awe.

" Yeah.." Zayn murmured, " except I'm looking at a she, not an it"

Her head turned towards Zayn to find him observing her with adoration on his warm chocolate eyes.

An affectionate smile remained on his lips as he gazed at her. She felt a slight warmth forming on her cheeks, and gave an embarrassed smile. Zayn raised a hand, gently caressing her cheeks, his thumbs rubbing her cheeks lightly. She leaned into his hand , closing her eyes and inhaling his familiar scent.

' I could watch a hundred sunsets, but none would ever compare to this. Every time Zayn spends his time with me, my love for him somehow grew, blossoming into something wonderful' Syira thought as she closed her eyes.

" I love you" Zayn murmured , " I love you so much Syira"

" and I love you too " she whispered.

Zayn reached for her hands and held them with his. A small smile plastered on his lips as he weaved his fingers in and out with hers. While he was occupied with that, she leaned closer, giving him a soft, but quick kiss on his cheek.

"Never leave me?" She asked quietly, her heart beating loudly against her rib cage.

Zayn smiled warmly, his eyes never leaving hers. He squeezed her hands reassuringly, his thumbs stroking her skin gently.


The End



Finally! The last chapter or epilogue for this book! Yay! I made it! Btw.. thanks again for reading and voting! Thanks to everyone and I reaaally appreciate your time reading my first book! Bye! Assalamualaikum. See ya again next time !


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