Part 25 -Confession-

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Warning : kissing scene. (Astaghfirullah!) X)

I've warned you.

Syira's POV

I shut the door as Liam went back towards his car. I walked towards Zayn who was sitting on the couch and slowly took the seat beside him.

" Zayn.." I said softly as I landed my hand on his shoulder.

" What is the matter with you huh?!" he yelled and shrugged off my hand from his shoulder.

'What is the matter with me? Me? I'm sorry? Who was the one that drunk in the party tonight? Was it me? Me???!.
We were sitting on the couch , he smelled like a bottle-of-I-dont-know-but-I-think-its-alcohol and me seated on the couch next to him.

" the matter with me?" I asked tersely.

" Why do you want to leave me?! How about me?! Don't you love me?" Zayn yelled drunkenly at me. I was stunned by his words and I just looked at him with wide eyes.

" Zayn.. You're drunk.. You shouldn't drink that haraam drink're muslim" I said softly as he just groaned hearing my short lecture.

"Ugh.. Who are you to tell me all of this?! Huh?? Who are youu?" he huffed and let his body outstretched on the couch. My heart stopped beating when he said that. Who am I?.

"Answer me!" he roared.

Now he was creeping me out.

" I-I..." I stammered and he laughed at me. " Of course!" he snorted and fell back on the couch. " Just go to sleep Syira.. Leave me alone!!" he yelled and immediately I stood up from the couch.

" I-I'm your wife" I whispered softly as I stared at him who already fall asleep on the couch. I dragged myself upstairs as tears slowly fell down my cheeks. I just shook my head , ignoring my drunk husband sleeping on the couch tonight.


Zayn's POV

I woke up with splitting headache. Must be last night hangover. I sat on the couch and looked around the living room, then realised that I'm still in the shirt I wore to the party. Then it hits me, I was drunk last night.

Drunk. I must be lost control of myself. How about Syira? Is she alright?

I feel so terrible right now then immediately ran upstairs to our room.
I twisted the door knob but it's locked. I frowned then realized that she might be so scared that she locked the door, so that I wouldn't do anything stupid.

I groaned then walked towards the guest room, making my way into the bathroom and quickly washed my body. I got out from the bathroom and ruffled my hair when I heard my phone ringing on the night stand.

I grabbed it and looked at the caller. I frozed up when I saw it was my dad-in-law then I answered it , looking at myself from the mirror.

" Assalamualaykum Zayn?"I heard Uncle Borkhan's deep voice then uneasy feeling creeps into my gut.

" Waalaykummussalam Uncle" I replied and tried my best to hide my feeling. I gulped when there was a silence on the other line.

" Can I talk with you? Are you in the middle of something or-?" he asked and I replied him almost immediately.
"Sure.. I'm free".

I heard him hummed and then the next question he asked nearly make me froze.

" Were you drunk last night ?" he asked tersely.


I twisted the door knob to our room and sighed when it opened. I walked inside then noticed that Syira just got out from the bathroom, she let her hair down and fell on her shoulder. I looked at her and she was shocked to see me , then immediately she walked towards me.

" Syira...look.. I'm so sorry about last night .. I was so stupid to drink that haraam thing.." I said, moving a bit closer to her.

" I'm sorry if I did something stupid towards you last night.. I was lost control of myself" two steps closer and she just stared at my steps that getting closer to her.

" Idiot! You didn't do anything to me" she said as she started to tense up when I get closer to her.

" Syira.. I really need to tell you something " I said, one more steps. Her eyes full of wonder as she looked up at me.

Then, in one swift movement, I swept her of her feet, quite literally and kiss her, like there was no tomorrow.

The French lasted longer then I pulled away to see her blushing face as she looked at me with certain longing - silently asking me for another kiss.

I answered her pleased , wrapping my arms around her waist,pulled her closer and leaned in for another kiss.

Then I pulled away and rested my forehead against her. At the same second, we both spoke up.

" I love you " we said in unison.

We smiled to hear the words that escape our mouth then I shut my eyes, tears streaming down slowly on my cheeks. I can't bear this.

Syira's POV

I was stunned by his act just now. We were smiling to each other after our confession then suddenly he shut his eyes and tears falling down his cheeks. Slowly, I wiped them away with my fingers. His arms still wrapped around my waist and my arms around his neck.

" Hey.. Why are you crying? It's okay" I whispered slowly while caressing his cheeks. Our forehead still touched.

" I'm sorry Syira.. I promise you that I'll never drink anymore!" he said and I was confused. I just nodded my head and keep on stroking his cheeks as he leaned into my hand.

" I love matter what will happen should know that" He said and his voice shaking, still shut his eyes.

" what's wrong?" I said as I started to feel something was not right .

" Pack your clothes " he ordered suddenly.

" Wh- why? Isn't your tour is next week? Where are we going?" I asked immediately and still holding his hand.

" You're going back to Pakistan tomorrow" said Zayn.



Actually, I had nothing to say.. So.. Bye my pretty and awesome readers! Don't forget to vote and comment!


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