Chapter Thirteen : Accidentally Kissed

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Assalamualaikum..  :)
First of all, thank you for still sticking up with my slooww update. X)

Warning : mature content, grammar, looooong chapter


Zaaynn, Could you drop by the grocery store before you pick me up at uni? And get some fresh bread, cheese and eggs? And chocolate! Yumm, I love chocolate! I have a new recipe that I learned today in my class, I want to cook it for our dinner.

Zayn clicked the top button of his white iPhone before asking his driver to stop by the mall.

" could you stop at that mall first, I need to go buy some groceries for Syira.." Zayn said to his driver and bodyguards. Once he arrived at the mall with his bodyguard, they had caught the people attention as he started to walk further into the mall. Girls were screaming for his name , some had asked for a selfie, some of them snapped his pictures to post it on social media , and he knows, tomorrow his pictures will be posted online with headlines like " Zayn Malik went to do some groceries" , he admitted that he barely even goes to the mall just to buy some groceries because he could simply ask his assistant to do it, but today he felt like he wanted to do it by his own. He kept on walking to the bread section and then quickly just dumped different brands into the green basket.

" what else was it that Syira wanted-" Zayn muttered to himself and mentally face palmed because Chocolate was what Syira loves so it's probably on the list. Eventhough she has lost her memory, but she still loves to eat chocolate like she used to before. He circled the store to find some chocolate .

" Nutella or Hershey.."he mumbled as suddenly he heard a girl's voice beside him.

" I would prefer Hershey" she spoke in her raspy voice as Zayn, who was still looking at the two branded chocolates, nodded his head in agreement before grabbing Hershey and put it in the basket.

" Thanks– Gigi?" Zayn replied more like a question after looking up to see the girl who helped him in choosing the chocolate.

" Oh hey Zayn!" she exclaimed , smile plastered on her face . Zayn's lips turned up in a slow smile before asking her.
" You are here to do some groceries too?" he spoke as they traveled together towards the cashiers. " yea, " she responded as she held the basket tightly.

" nice to meet you again" Gigi remarked as she  grabbed some oranges and placed it in the basket. Zayn just smiled at her and continued to strolled around. She gazed at him for a while after remembering their last encounter at the dinner.

" Zayn,I'm so sorry about what I said that night at the dinner, I drank too much" she stated as she tried to follow Zayn by his side. " Its fine" he muttered , grabbing some cheese.

" How's Syira? What is she doing right now?" Gigi questioned softly , waiting for him as he placed the cheese in his basket.

" she's doing great, she decided to go back to her college and now she's in culinary field" Zayn replied , running his hand in his soft hair, causing Gigi to stare at him in awe. She shook her thought away and continue asking.
" That's great," she mumbled , there's a silence between them when Gigi decided to ask again. " She must have changed a lot.." she mumbled . He gave her a weird look before asking her.

" what do you mean?" He asked warily. As if he sensed where is this conversation going.

"I mean she's not the old Syira that you love before" Gigi's voice trailed off, as she cleared her throat. Suddenly feeling embarrased by her own question.

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