Chapter 23 : His words

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Author's note

It has been what, 2 years that I didn't update this book properly, I deleted this book once because I can't take it anymore, I have the idea and drafts were all done, but my classes and dissertation and stuff really got in the way from me to have time to edit them, I'm tired but my mind keeps thinking about this book so I keep updating it even slow as turtle. This book was like 4 years old now, I can look at how my writing skills changed overtime, its like a timeline, that's why I keep updating it. i know, once I deleted this book, the readers number will drop but Im amazed there are still readers until now.
Thank you x

Now let's continue


"Yes, he left the band, Harry also mentioned that he will announce it tomorrow, they have talked about it last week" she said as she faced Syira. Aysha smiled warmly as she hugged her. Syira knew Aysha's about to break down and cry on the floor right there but she kept calm.

" do you think it's because of me?" Syira asked nervously. Aysha shook her head, " No, it's not, I don't think so, he said, it's about time for him to go on his own way, thats what Harry told me" Aysha explained while sitting back on the stool. " Don't worry, he has his own reason, I'm sure its not about you at all" Aysha reassured as she bid Syira goodbye and left the cafe.


" is he okay" she thought to herself. Looking at her phone, still no reply from her previous message.

Has he given up on her, given up on his dream too? She scrolled down her phone, looking at the news, it has been all over the internet, the news about Zayn leaving the band and almost every news has his face on them. Some fans even mentioned Zayn might be feeling stress, or depression or anxiety that led him to make such decision.

" How could he bear all this by himself, he did not even talking to me anymore, not even replying to my text, is he alright?" her inner mind talking, the worst is, she's not even by his side when he's in this situation.

She stopped scrolling and went to the bathroom. She splashed the cold water to her face, staring at her reflection and realised the cheerful, happy girl she was is no longer there.

she let her dark brown hair down on her right shoulder and changed to her sleeping outfit and went back to her bed. She thinks to herself, what will happen to her and Zayn. Is there gonna be future for them. Or is this how it's gonna end.

She closed her eyes, picturing her and Zayn, smiling to each other. Zayn would call her names, tease her with her cooking skills, her terrible candid photos, talking hours about pictures in his phone, how obsessed she is with chocolates, he knows almost everything about her, he knows her more than herself, he knows her favourite channels to watch every night, her favourite meal, her routine, her favourite animals, she can't even remember some of them and Zayn's the one who helped her, getting through this together. She took this night to really appreciate what he had done all this time.

She looked around her small pink room, her eyes fell on the purple diary she left opened on her desk. She got up and walked towards the desk to close the journal, she used to read the diary every day, still never gave up to gain back her memory, she would read them, closed her eyes and tried to picture the scene but as always, none came up.

She sighed heavily and flapping some of the pages to read the part where she had stopped yesterday, turned out it was the last page, the title read
"skating for the first time!", she grinned at her handwriting, this must be the last page she wrote before the accident took place. As she flipped the pages further, no more handwriting and she was about to close it when suddenly her eyes caught a glance of a long paragraph in the middle of her diary. She searched the page again and she furrowed her eyebrows.

Noticing it was not her handwriting, She guessed it was zayn's.

"Zayn...?" She mumbled, wondering how come she never came across this page before as she started to read it.


I know that night, i thought you're such a nerd to have your own diary, who wrote diary anymore these days, but im amazed at how you appreciate your life, your story ljfe, i admit, I took your diary when you're asleep sometimes to remind me of how beautiful our love story is. And I'm glad you captured every moment we had together. The way you described our life was incredible, it could be a book , starring you and me. Oh how i wish i could fast forward to the ending of our book.

I took this time to write, i have never written anything on this book, i think its time.

Tonight, for the first time after the accident, you cried on my shoulder, you begged me to not give up on you. To keep holding you and be there for you, you made me promise to always be by your side even if you're such a mess. I don't need to be told, I love you still. Even if you don't even remember me anymore. Even if you started to fall out of love with me.

Hearing people say that one day, this whole marriage might not work out, that one day you might ask me to let you go to let you free, its hard to take in. But i think its a sacrifice that a person needs to do for love. Probably the time will arrive, but until then, i would not give up on you, im gonna be here until you dont need me no longer.

A sob escaped her mouth as she read his words, she bit her lips as she did not want to let out a whimper at this late hour.

Finished reading the last bit, she quickly checked her diary again, to see if there's more that he wrote or he put in between the last pages.

"What have I done?" She questioned to herself while quickly left the diary, her puffy eyes could be seen clearly now.

She quickly dialed Imran's number on her phone and waited patiently on the other line, praying he will answer it immediately. Once Imran answered, she wasted no time before asking.

" Imran, please, could you do me a favour?"

"Anything" he replied.

" Can you book a ticket for me, to London, tomorrow?" She asked firmly, and for a record, she never felt this confident before.

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