Chapter Two

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Hi! Thanks for the readers who still voting for this story. I appreciate it. Vote and comment! :)

Warning : grammars.


Syira's POV

I shifted my body as I felt the soft mattress with my hand. My eyes opened slowly to see the sun shines through the curtains. My head rested on Zayn's bare chest as I heard his heart thumped and a smile plastered on my face as I remembered that we fell into a deep slumber after eating our casserole. And I dont know when he took off his shirt but who cares. He's my husband. I yawned and looked up to see Zayn who was still in a deep sleep. I smiled and caress his cheeks gently that cause him to stirr. I chuckled and looked at the time on the nighstand. My eyes widened to see the time then  I immediately jumped off the bed and yelled.

"ZAYN! ZAYN! Wake up! It's 8.30 morning! I've to go to class!! Come on!! You have to send me to uni!" I yelled as I grabbed my light pink towel and rushed towards the bathroom. Zayn woke up and also freak out to see the time.

" Damn! I've to go to the studio!" He screamed as he jumped off the bed, not care about the sheets. He also grabbed the towel and rushed towards the bathroom . We reached the bathroom door at the same time as I glared at him .

" Zayn! Me first!! I woke up first!" I yelled as I pushed his hands away which trying to block my way. He laughed and shook his head.

"Nah! I think we should take a shower together this morning" He replied nonchanantly as he made his way. He flashed me his crazy eyes as I grabbed his towel ,  pulled him back and he let out a laugh. I stepped into the bathroom and slammed the door in front of his face.

As I took a brisk shower , I wrapped the towel around me and got out of the bathroom to my closet to see Zayn who was on his phone.

" I'll be there, I've to send my princess to her class first.. Sorry that I'll be late.. hmm..thanks" He sighed as he ended the call with his manager. I smiled sheepishly at him as he rolled his eyes. I went towards him and wrapped my hand around his neck as he smirks down at me.

" Zaynie.. I'm sorry that I woke up late" I muttered as I give him my pout face. He snaked his hands around my waist and looked at me. " Syira.. I can't resist your pouting face" he said as he kisses my cheeks. I chuckled and pulled away. I went to my closet and grabbed a dress with long sleeves and a pair of jeans. I turned around and glared at him who was still looking at me like he was waiting a show.

" Zayn! Go take a shower stinky!" I said as I covered my body with the clothes I just grabbed. He winked at me and made his way into the bathroom. I change my outfit and wear a black hijab. Then I went downstair to have a quick breakfast.

A few minutes later, Zayn went down into the kitchen and grabbed the spoon that I held and shoved the cereal into his mouth. I was shocked and flicked his forehead, eliciting a groan from him. I grabbed his hand and ran towards his car.

" Syira!,, Calm down!" He said sternly as he started the car and I just rolled my eyes . " Huh.. I bet your fans will be in my university today, waiting for you to take some pictures" I mumbled as I fixed my scarf. He sighed and nodded his head in agreement.

As usual, there's a lot of Zayn's fans who were waiting in front of the uni to see him. I sighed and my eyes widened to see them who were screaming to see Zayn's car as he parked his car in front of them.

"Zayn.. can you send me there? I mean- I'm scared as hell right now" I said as he looked outside to see his fans. He then pecked my lips and said " I couldn't, I've got to go now" .

I grabbed his hand and looked at him.
"Please, I'm begging!" I pleaded as my eyes darted through the fans. He let out  a heavy sigh then took out his sunglasses and wore it. He got out from the car and I could heard the fans becoming wild at the sight of him. I got out too and smiled shyly as Zayn held my hand tightly as he reasurred me.

We walked towards the door when suddenly a  young girl jumped in front of us and asked him to take pictures together. I'm not used to this famous life, but Zayn is my husband, *sigh*. I smiled to the camera as Zayn put his hand on the girl's back. He put on his charm smile that can make any girls melt right there , including me, his freaking wife. After taking a few pictures, Zayn kissed my cheeks and left me in front of the glass door. I waved at him as he entered his car and drove away.

'I have to get use to this new life' I muttered under my breath as my eyes trying to find my bestie. Casey ran as she saw me and jumped slightly. Casey is my best friend when I first came into the university. She doesn't know that I'm Zayn's wife until she saw my homescreen wallpaper of me and Zayn in our wedding dresses. I still remember her eyes widened and shut her mouth for a while, then she whispered in my ear . " You're Zayn's wife?" . I couldn't help but laughed at her reaction .

" Hey girl!! I see someone got an attention out there" Casey nudged my arms as I rolled my eyes. " I've to go to class, so see ya later babe" I spoke as I walked towards my class. Casey laughed and also made her way to her class.


Third's POV

That evening

" Syira, Please come home .. I need you" Syira worried as she heard her mom's voice on the other line. She held the phone tight to her ear as she tried to coax her mom what's happening. " Ummi.. tell me... what's going on? " her voice broken to hear her mom like this.

"Your father.. " her mom spoke as her eyes widened.

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