Chapter Three

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Warning : Grammars

Sorry if this chapter is sucks. Teehee :) . Vote and comment. :*


"Zayn, You don't have to cancel your photoshoot you know" Syira said as she folding some clothes that she had just picked from the closet. Zayn shook his head and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered.
" I don't want to leave you anymore, never" he kissed her cheeks that started to blush. She chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Thanks "

As they reached the airport, Zayn held her hand and guided her into the plane as there were many paps throwing them umpteen questions about their trip to Pakistan. Zayn didn't give them a damn as he got into the plane and hugged Syira around the shoulders. She sighed and stretched as she sat down on her seat. " Uhhh, aren't the paps tired of chasing you everywhere you go? " she spoke after their bodyguards left them . " They do that for their living, can't blame them though" he replied simply as he took off his glasses and placed them on the table.

" How's your mom anyway?" He suddenly asked and Syira let out another heavy sigh. " Nothing bad happens to Baba actually, ummi is overreacting, it's just-" Her words stucked as she cleared her throat.

" Baba has another w-wife actually" Syira stuttered as she looked at Zayn then his eyes widened. " D-Do you know about that?" He asked in shocked as she burst into a loud laugh. " Of course, Baba is pretty close with me and he told me everything, including this news" Syira said as she tried to control herself from bursting into another laugh to see Zayn's reaction. " but- your mom didn't-" he asked and she cut him midsentences.

" Nope, she doesn't know anything about this, I asked Baba to tell her soon but he refused because well, the woman he married is a widow, and has a son that is one year older than me ,and he thought that all these are just too much to handle " Syira explained as she played with Zayn's hand. Zayn blinked his eyes in disbelieves to see that Syira actually fine with everything. " She has a son? Like- he's your stepbrother?" Zayn stuttered and Syira immediately laughed again. " Yup, his father died last year" She said.

" Jealous huh?" Syira said as she played with his black jacket .
" pffft! I'm wayy hotter than anyone" Zayn said as he tried to sleep but being tickled mercilessly by Syira.


As they arrived at Syira's house, Syira couldn't help but jumped slightly to see her home sweet home. She grabbed his arms and dragged him into her house. After entering the house, she was being hugged by Uncle Borkhan as Zayn smiled awkwardly . He glanced around the house to see a mid-aged woman who was walking towards him and stood beside his father-in-law. " Zayn, meet Helen," Syira's father introduced as Zayn smiled to see his new mother-in-law.

" Where's Ummi?" Syira asked after Zayn brought in their bags. Uncle Borkhan sighed and sat on the couch. " she's upstairs, I've talk to her but still, she doesn't want to get out of the room," He explained as Helen's face saddened to hear that. Syira smiled sweetly and nodded her head. " I'll talk to her, she's going to be fine , trust me"Syira said as she made her way upstairs. Zayn about to follow hert when she stopped him . " How about you just -umm get to know your new family members?" Syira asked as she quickly ran upstairs.

Zayn sighed and walked towards the new couple and sat on the couch.
" You must be tired, Zayn" Helen spoke gently as Zayn smiled politely. Uncle Borkhan just chuckled .

" Where's Imran?" Uncle Borkhan asked Helen after chatting with Zayn. Zayn looked around as if he could find this 'Imran' they talked about. Helen shook her head and said "He's still out - there he is! " She said as a big smile plastered on her face. Zayn stood up and turned around to see Syira's stepbrother.

Uncle Borkhan gladly introduced his new stepson to Zayn as Zayn was utterly shocked at how sporting they are with this condition. Uncle Borkhan seems so fine with this situation as Zayn tried to sink in what happen. Zayn shook Imran's hand as they smiled to each other. Zayn couldn't help but scanned him as if he felt jealous because he doesn't have any tattoos at all. Zayn on the other hand , has many tattoos on his body. Zayn just ignored it and looked at Uncle Borkhan who was talking enthusiastically with Imran.

Finally, Syira came down with her mom who still has tears in her eyes as Syira calmed her mom down. Uncle Borkhan smiled widely as he stood infront of the stairs to embrace Aunty Lina. Syira smiled as she waved her hand to Imran who was smiling sweetly at her. Zayn glared at him and cursed under his breath.

Zayn saw that Aunty Lina started to accept this new situation as she went to have a talk with Helen. Uncle Borkhan was so happy that finally , she could be more open-minded about Helen. However, Zayn felt uneasy as he saw Syira happily talked with Imran. He couldn't help but feels like he needs to play with this new game.

"Game on" he whispered .


After finishing unpacking their bags, Zayn huffed as he plopped down on their bed, trying to calm himself down. He took off his shirt and laid on the bed as Syira got out from the bathroom after taking bath. She was wearing a shirt with pair of shorts, also settled herself beside Zayn on the bed. Zayn then turned around , his back faced her. Syira rolled her eyes and sat on the bed.

"Zaaayn, there's nothing between us, he's my freaking stepbrother!" Syira explained as she hugged him from behind, their legs intertwined. Zayn just scoffed and tried to close his eyes. Syira then made circle on his torso that cause him to shiver. He tried to ignore the sensation of her small fingers that were touching his bare torso but failed miserably when he felt she placed a kiss on his back.

Zayn smiled and turned around to face her then caress her cheeks. " He doesn't have tattoos at all, he looks like a perfect guy for you" Zayn whispered slowly but loud enough for her to hear. She laughed as she played with the nape of Zayn's neck. Zayn pout , then pulled her closer.

" nobody is perfect Zayn, you're my husband and I couldn't be more grateful to have you, I love you" Syira said as she drew circle on his tattoos. Zayn smiled down at her and gently reached her chin so that their eyes met. He noticed a bright pink tinted across her cheeks and smiled again. " You know what.. you have the sweetest smile I've ever seen" Syira mumbled as she smiled sweetly at him. " You know what, this smile only exists because of you" Zayn replied as his eyes flickered to her beautiful lips.

Syira's eyes also flickered from his eyes down to his lips. She kissed him first as Zayn kissed her back. They didn't have any make out session since they were really tired and sleepy , Syira immediately slept on his chest while Zayn hugged her tightly. He smiled happily to know that only him can have this beautiful girl.

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