Part 13 - Trauma-

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Warning : short chapter

Enjoy :)

Syira held her hands together, cupping them to her lips as she blew out puffs of hot air into them. Zayn was not kidding when he mentioned that the wind chill tonight was going to drop down to almost near freezing. Syira is not used with this kind of weather and she loves it so much.

Syira checked her phone and saw there was only a couple of minutes left before midnight. They had spent their time together almost two hours and Syira found it was fun actually. She smiled at herself.

She looked all around for Zayn as she stood there in the bustling crowd of people. He said that he would be right back, saying that he was going to throw something away. It had been five minutes ago since he left and Syira was starting to wonder if he got lost coming back or if there was no trash can nearby where he could have thrown away whatever it was that he needed to throw away.

As she stood there, she suddenly felt a group of young men brush past her. She stumbled a little and they quickly apologized before going about their way, but Syira stood there, frozen to the spot at the sudden touch. She shivered, holding herself as she leaned against one of the brick walls of the stores that lined the plaza. Being with Zayn, she had thought that she was over what happened that night with the three drunk men , but being brushed up against other men, she felt the same repulsion and terror all over again.

It confused her. It was not like those men that just passed by were aiming to harm her. It was on accident, but just the feeling of their bodies brushing past, nearly brought her down to her knees in fright. Being alone at this time , did not help either. Syira tightened her grip around her arms and her lips parted slightly as soft puffs of her breath could be seen in a white vapor. She could not stand it, the terror that gripped her arms so tightly that it suffocated her.


She was quickly brought back to reality at the familiar sound of Zayn's voice. Syira gasped, staring at him as he stared back at her with worry.

"Are you okay? Did something happened?" he asked, gently taking her hand.

There was no reaction. Instead, Syira welcomed his touch as it brought her comfort. She shook her head quickly and replied, "N-no... I'm just..a little anxious"

Zayn squeezed her hand tightly and looked at her face. Zayn looked at her with a certain pain in his eyes as he remembered that she had the trauma about that night incident. He brought her in for a gentle hug and closed his eyes while whispering , "It's okay.. I know you're still scared about that night, Dad told me everything"

Syira lowered her eyes as she clutched his back. " I thought I would be okay..since..they didn't really go all the way." She began to shiver against him as she pulled away slightly. " when a couple of guys bumped into me earlier.. I began to remember that night." A soft cry escaped her as she quickly forced it down, not wishing to cry in front of Zayn . She quickly lowered her head, trying to hide herself from Zayn's view.

That was when she spotted a small pink box. She raised her head and saw that Zayn was holding the box with smile plastered on his face. It was all wrapped up as Zayn held it out to her.

" this?" she asked as she stared at it with wonder.

" chocolate" Zayn stated. " Aysha said you love chocolate..I saw this in the candy shop that we passed by and it reminded me of...... you" he stated and just smile at her as he handed it off to her.

"Th-thank you" Syira said as she let a soft chuckle escaped her lips.

Zayn stared at her and realized about what his Dad had told him before the marriage.

' I'll erase the memories they gave you, Syira. I won't let anyone hurts you anymore, I'll take care of you'

Zayn closed his eyes and brought her closer with gentle and kissed her forehead , delicately as if she was made out of glass just like on their nikah day, but this time, he was not being forced to do so.

She closed her eyes as she relaxed her body. A pleasurable feeling surrounded her entire being as she lost herself to him. All thoughts of that night incident and her trauma were chased away in that moment.



I know this is really short and sorry for that. Don't worry, I'll update soon. I just want this chapter to focus on Syira's trauma and how Zayn realized about it. Good day! and smile!

Assalamualaikum . Bye!!

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