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This story contains Self Harm, Gore content, Drinking, Self Harm, blood, foul language. Etc.

If you have a gentle or a fail of heart, then I suggest you do not read this book. Thank you.

Copyright © will not be allowed.

(Btw I suggest you listen to the song^^)

"Cmon mom! Just let me go out there! I've never been outside for about 2 whole years!" I whined.

"Yes you have honey.." My mom says emptying the bag of canned goods.

"The backyard doesn't count!" I huffed and plopped on the couch.

"I just don't want you getting hurt-"

"I can handle it! And you know it, so I suggest that you let me go" I said.

"No" she said simply, "your only 12, Kylie. You can get yourself Killed!" She said.

"Ugh whatever.." I huffed and walked upstairs.

I plopped on my bed and sighed.

It's not easy living like this, I don't care if I'm twelve.. Hah, the world is ending anyways.


I brushed my bangs out of my face and looked out the window.

Ever since my dad 'left' I've pleaded my mom to let me go out there to search for him.

But she never let me.

So every night I cried and I waited but.. He didn't come home...

I wiped the tear that slipped out of my eye and sniffed.

I'm basically nothing, the world is over.

"Kylie honey, please come down here I need to talk to you.." My mom said from downstairs.

I groaned and rolled of my bed wiping away the last tears that fell down my cheeks.

"What is it mom?" I asked standing in front of her.

"I'll make a deal with you okay?" She asked.

I nodded. "Okay, when your 13, next year. I'll let you go out there okay?" She said smiling softly.

My eyes widened.

"Wha- really?!" Oh my god thank you!" I said jumping on my mom and gave her a huge hug.

"Your welcome honey" she smiled warmly.

We sat down and started eating the canned food since it's the only thing here to eat.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked my mom.

"First, I have to go out to get more food and water.." She said grabbing my plate when I finished my food.

"Aw, why?!" I whined falling on the floor.

"Because if you want to live, I'll need to get you food" she said looking at me on the floor.

"Can I come with you?" I asked giving her the puppy eyes.

"I've already told you, next year. You can" she smiled.

"Ugh fine, better than never.." I mumbled getting up off the floor.

"Okay honey I'm going to go, I'll be back as soon as I can okay?" She said loading her gun.

"Yes mommy" I nodded and she walked out the door.

I hugged and walked upstairs. Then I heard groaning..

Moaning and footsteps in the kitchen.

I gasped the slammed my hand on my mouth to shut myself up.

I got this..

I tip toed to the kitchen slowly.. And grabbed the sharpest kitchen knife.

I whistled to it, "come here! Cmon" I said raising my knife in the air.

It stumbled towards me, making me nervous.

Cmon Kylie you can do this, be brave..

I ran up to it and sunk the knife into the creatures stomach.

Nothing, he was still alive..

My eyes widened as the blood was squirting all over my face.

I grabbed a ran and wiped my fave off super fast before backing away from the rotting human.

How come it's not dead yet?

I went out of the kitchen and around beneath the stairs to the other entry way of the kitchen.

Then I saw the door to the backyard open.

"Oh no" I said as I ran to it, but before I could close it, the moaning was so close to me I could hear it right next to my ear.

I turned around and saw the rotting man.

Right when I screamed I heard someone's voice say, "watch out!" Then I got tackled to the ground.

That's when I screamed again, but the person clasped their hand over my mouth and then I heard it.


I flinched. When I opened my eyes I saw the rotting biter on the floor.


I sighed in relief and looked up and saw a boy about my age..

Or so he looked like he was twelve. "Thank you.. H-how'd you find me?" I asked as the boy got off of me.

He had brown hair and blue sparkling eyes. He looked.. Decent...

"I came here with my dad to get some food, then I heard you scream so I came here to save you.." He said putting the gun back in his holster.

Well that's no fair, he gets a gun and I don't..

"Carl, what did I tell you about running away from me like that?" A man came running in and grabbing who I'm assuming would be Carl's hand.

"Sorry dad" he mumbled rolling his eyes.

I slowly backed away, "hey where are you going?" Carl said.

"I really think you should g-go" I said quietly.

"Are you sure that you don't want to come with us?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I can't just leave my mom"

"Is she here?" The man asked.

I shook my head again "not for another hour or so.."

"I see.. Well I don't have any time to wait so.." He said.

I nodded and they left.

I closed the door and huffed.

I walked to the window and peered out of it.

The boy kept looking back at me every now and then when the left.

"Oh my god Kylie!" My mom yelled running in and dropping whatever she had in her hand.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" her eyes moved to the dead, rotten.. Thingy, on our floor

"You killed him?" My mom asked.

"Actually-"  "I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed and hugged me.

I just stayed silent. "Well, how did it get in?" She asked.

I shrugged, unsure of how the door really opened.

"Are you bit?" She asked.

I shook my head, staying silent. All I could think about was that glorious moment when I turn 13.

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New chapter^

So, here's little Carl coming in the story :)


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