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"You sure?" Ron asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Of course I'm sure!" I say and pull out my gun.

"Do you hear that?" I ask, not making a single sound afterwards.

"No" he replies in a whisper.


"Enid!" I yell

"What?" She asks.

"Don't go into the other rooms, you don't know when there might be a walker in there" I say, pulling out my knife.

"Oh cmon, it's fine we'll kill it if there is any in there" she says and puts her gun in her holster.

She takes out her knife and reaches for the doorknob.

I grab her hand quickly.

"No!" I whisper/shout.

"What?" She asks, clearly annoyed.

"That's not how you do it, you have to bang on the door. Glenn taught me this"

I bang on the door loudly and we keep silent.


"Ok, now it's clear." I say, opening the door.

We walk inside and we plop down on the couch in the room.

"Hey... this is where I stayed when I left Alexandria!" Enid says looking at the wall next to her.

It said JSS written in blood.

"Really?" I ask.

She nods. "Yeah, then Glenn found me.." She huffs.

All of a sudden, "Glenn.. Glenn! Can you hear me?"

The sound was coming from the other side of the room.

I shoot up and walk towards the noise.

I see a walkie talkie on the floor.

"Glenn! Are you there?" Rick's voice tells over the walkie talkie.

My eyes widen.

I quickly pick up the walkie talkie.

"Rick it's Kylie!" I yell into it.

"Kylie? Why do you have Glenn's walkie talkie?"

Then we hear banging on the glass windows. 

The glass was breaking! The walkers were running into it.

"That doesn't matter!" I say.

"Rick were trapped in a store and we lost Carl and Ron!"

The line goes silent for a while.

Then, the glass window shattered into pieces, all the walkers spilling in.

"Shit!" I say and start shooting at them.

Enid gets up and starts shooting some of them too.

"Rick please hurry!" I scream.

I drop the walkie talkie backing away from the herd of walkers.

I hear gunshots coming from another store.

"Shit I think that's Kylie and Enid" I say and grab my gun.

"Carl where are you going?" Ron asks, getting up and following me out the store.

The walkers that were attacking our store got attracted to their gunshots.

I pull out my gun and I start shooting to make way for us to get in the store.

We finally make it in but there's still some walkers inside.

"Kylie!" I yell but I don't hear anything.

"Enid!" I yell again... Nothing.

"Oh my god.." I start panicking.

I stab the rest of the walkers inside but more were coming in.

"KYLIE! ENID!" Ron yells into one of the rooms.

Then we hear a machine gun.

But none of us carried one with us.

I look back and see a car pulling up next to the store.

The window went down and I saw my dad.

"Dad!" I shoot more walkers looking around once more to see if Kylie and Enid are hiding or something.

"Carl! Get in now!" He says.

"No! I can't find Kylie nor Enid" I yell back and keep shooting more walkers.

"Ron get in the car, I'll go look for the girls" I say and he nods.

I enter one of the rooms but I don't see anything but a walkie talkie.

I pull on the roots of my hair and look around more.

Then I see it.


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