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The saviors got Rick and the rest on their knees.

Negan turned around to his group again.

"Get the others."

They go to a truck and throw Glenn, Michonne, Daryl, and Rosita out of the truck and onto the ground.

So that's where they went...

Negan noticed Rick looking at he RV in panic.

"What is it?.. Is there perhaps.. Someone in there?" He smiles and slowly walks to the RV were under.

Carl puts his hand on my mouth and we hold our breath as he walks closer and closer to the RV.

His boots are right In front of my face. He walks up the small steps to the RV.

He comes out moments later and throws Maggie onto the ground.

"MAGGIE!" Glenn screams when he sees that she's pale and weak.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Glenn screams while the saviors hold him back.

Negan doesn't respond, he just puts his finger to his lips and shushes him.

"Onto your knees. Now." He growls and Maggie weakly gets up and collapses onto her knees.

"Maggie..." I say barely audible for myself to hear.

Negan starts talking to the group, Carl takes his hand off of my mouth and looks at me.

"Listen. Here's the plan.." He whispers quietly.

"We're gonna run back to Alexandria without anyone noticing, and we're going to get everyone from Alexandria to come over here."

"Carl that's a stupid idea-"

"Trust me. It's going to work, there are way more alexandrians then there are saviors"

I huff slightly and nod, "ok we run. We run as fast as we possibly can okay?" He puts his hand on my cheek and I nod.

He slowly and quietly crawls out from under the RV, pulling me with him.

We nod at each other and slowly walk away, for that they can't hear us running after.

Once we get far away enough to run, we sprint through the woods.

I take out my knife and stab each walker that gets in my way in the head.

We run and run nonstop to get help.

We don't have much time.

We get to Alexandria and climb over the gate.

We take deep breaths and I lean on the wall, sweating and panting.

After about 2 minutes, Carl pulls my hand.

"Let's go!" He says and we run towards the supply house.

We run and unlock the closet.

I see Enid on the floor sleeping.

"ENID!" I yell, causing her to wake up.

"Huh what?" He says and steps out of the closet.

"What the fuck Carl?! Why did you-"

"ENID THERE's NO TIME WE NEED HELP!" We both yell and she tilts her head in confusion.

"Negan has the group captive. We escaped to get help. We need your help to gather all of the Alexandria citizens to come with us there and outnumber the saviors so we can get Rick and the others back"

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