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I am so sorry please don't kill me for this...

"Hurry up Carl walkers have invaded Alexandria again!" My dad yells at me.

I see a shattered window.

They must've crawled out there.

I look out the window, but I don't see them..

"KYLIE!" I scream out the window.

I wait for a couple seconds.

"...Carl?" I hear Kylie's gentle voice over the moans and groans of walkers.

"KYLIE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I scream, shooting the walkers behind me.

"I'm over he- Ron wha-" the
Rest was muffled.

"Get in the car!" I hear
Ron scream.

I look back and see Enid running to the car and Ron dragging Kylie to it as well.

I run to the car and shut the door.

The car made a loud screeech as we drove away.

"Oh my god Kylie I thought I lost you" Carl says and hugs me.

I hugged him back and he gently placed his lips on top of mine.

We pull apart and Carl grabbed my hand, holding it tight.

We get to Alexandria, well.. What's left of it.

I see Maggie up at the gate, walkers surrounding her.

We get out of the car and Enid runs towards the gate.

"Enid!" I yell and she turns around.

"I'm going to help her" she yells back and runs into the crowd of walkers.

I grab my gun and shoot walkers more and more of them.

"It's no use.." Rick says.

"There's too many of them"

"Then what are we suppose to do?" Ron asks.

Just then, Jessie and Sam run up to us.

"Where's Judith?" Rick asks.

"She's with father Gabriel." Jessie answers.

Michonne runs up from behind and whispers something in rick's ear.

"...ok" he says.

I squeeze my eyes shut at the disgust
of the guts all over my clothes.

"This is disgusting" Jessie mutters and I nod.

Carl walks over to me, "Kylie, can you turn around for a moment?" He asks.

I give him a confused look but do it anyway.

He puts a necklace on me, it's silver.

There's a small heart-shaped charm, "oh my god, it's beautiful!" I turn around to face Carl.

"Thank you!" I say and kiss him softly.

We pull away and he lifts my chin up to look at him.

"If anything happens, just know that I love you" he says and hugs me.

"Now everyone hold hands" Rick says.

We were basically in a line, I felt like we were in kindergarten.

The line went from Rick, Sam, Jessie, Carl, Ron, me, and then Michonne.

We walked slowly through the walkers.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to freak out.

Ron squeezes my hand, I open my eyes and look at him.

He mouthed the words 'it's going to be okay' and I nod.

I gulp and then the line suddenly stops.

I look forward and Sam starts crying.

God I hate that kid.

"Mom.." He whimpers.

"It's okay Sam, just be brave. You can do it okay?" Jessie whispers.

"I don't want to" he cries.

"Sam grab my hand" Rick says through gritted teeth, clearly having no patience.

"No!" He says.

Just then, walkers topple over him, biting off chunks of his face.

I gasp and put my hand over my mouth.

Everyone's jaw drops.

"SAM!" Jessie screams.

And before you know it, walkers and on top of her too.

Ricks eyes go wide and tears stream down my face.

Jessie is still holding on to Carl hand.

It's like she froze, her hand was locked onto Carl's.

Rick had to grab an ax and chop of Jessie's hand.

Ron stares at his family in shock.

I let go of his hand.

All of the sudden, Ron pulls out a gun.

Carl and Rick back up and Michonne lets go of my hand, reaching for her samurai sword.

Just then...


I squeeze my eyes shut and Michonne impales Ron with her sword.

I sigh in relief, thinking he missed the bullet.

But I was oh so wrong.

I look over at Rick, I noticed he's staring at Carl in pure shock.

I look over at Carl, his head is down.

He slowly puts his head up and I slap my hand against my mouth.

Carl's eye got shot out by Ron.

Blood trickling down his eye down to his neck.

"Dad?.." He whispers and falls to the ground.

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