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"Kylie I'm not sure if I can take this anymore.." Carl pulls on the roots of his hair.

"He's flirting with you too much" he groans.

I know I said that no matter what I'll always keep my eyes on you but..

Blake has been trying to get us apart. I feel it and so does Carl.

Blake keeps staring at Carl to see if he's noticing He's flirting with me.

"Carl I know but-"

"No! I-I..." He stops pacing back and forth by the small space between two of the houses and sits down.

"You what?.." I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"I'm gonna kill him" he growls and gets up quickly.

"NO!" I yell. "You can't do that!"

I run up to him and grab his arm, trying to pull him back.

He shakes his arm away and keeps walking faster.

"CARL!" I yell and run after him.

He ignores me and takes out his gun.

"Carl! Stop!" I yell and he spins around and slams me into the nearest house building, knocking the air out of me.

My mouth opens slightly and I gasp.

His gun held between my wrist and his hand falls on the ground.

"Listen, and listen closely" he says in the most angry voice I've ever heard him talk in.

"If you don't want me to fucking rip his goddamn head off, you better stay the fuck away from that son of a bitch." He growls.

I stay silent, staring at his angry face.

"Do you understand?!" He slams me against the wall again.

I flinch, "Carl.." I whimper.

"I asked you a fucking question!" He yells at me.


I look at him with pleading eyes, for once I feel scared.

His eye changes, it changes to a lighter shade of blue.

"Good girl" he says and kisses my neck.

I look up at the sky, I didn't feel safe at all.

Yeah. I think something is seriously wrong with him.

I whimper quietly, causing him to lift up his head and look at me.

"You don't know how fucking badly you turn me on" he says in a deep voice.

I look up, his hat making shade over the both of us.

He continues to kiss my jawline.

"Carl, p-please.. Not now." I say as he moves my head to the side to kiss my neck.


He finally looks up at me and tilts his head to the side.

"What's wrong baby?.." He asks

"Carl, please. Stop, I'm not in the mood right now.." I sigh and he lets go of me.

I turn around and see Blake, staring at Carl.

"Kylie go.." He pushes me behind him.

"Why?" I ask. He shoots me a glare.

"You know why" he turns back at Blake and glares.

"Blake, leave." He says.

"Why do you hate me so much?!" He finally bursts out in anger.

"Because you're hitting on my girlfriend like I'm not noticing!" Carl yells at him.

"Your a fucking idiot, aren't you?.." Blake chuckles and walks closer to Carl.

"I don't like Kylie, I like you"

I step back in shock.

Wait.. What?

"Y-you like me?.." Carl asks and Blake nods.

"What did you think?!" He laughs.

Carl steps back a bit, "uh.. Sorry but I'm n-not-.."

"It's okay, I knew it anyway" he shrugs.

I get it now, he was 'flirting' with me, he just wanted to get Carl over.

Blake walks away and Carl turns to me.

I glare up at him, "so you were letting all your anger out of me over a stupid thing" i spit and turn around.

"Kylie.." He sighs and grabs my hand, spinning me around.

"Get the fuck away from me-" he pulls me so I hit his chest.

I look up at him and he's already staring at me with an emotionless expression.

"So.." He starts.

"You don't want to fuck or?..." He asks.

"Wha- no! I don't!" I yell and push myself away from his chest.

"Well, then I guess I'm going to have to rape you I guess.." He scratches the back of his head.

"Carl!" I punch him in the arm.

"Just kidding" he laughs.

I start walking back into the house. I open the door to my room and step inside.

I turn around and see that Carl walked in and locked the door behind him.

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