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I wake up to soft knocking on my window.

I sit up and rub my eyes softly.

I look towards my window and see rocks being thrown on it.

I stumble towards the window and open it.

I see that boy at the bonfire.

"Hey!" He yells.

I look around, the bonfire is still going on. Wait...

How did I even get up here?..

Carl walks up to the boy and taps him on the shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing?" He growls.

The boy smiles, "I wanna hang out with you guys." 

Carl cocks up an eyebrow. "Uh..what's even your name?"

"Blake" he smiles and I walk out of the house.

"Hey um, you wanna hang out with us?" Blake asks and I yawn, "yeah sure"

"Okay let's go" he says and Carl takes my hand as We follow Blake.

Blake takes a glimpse of us holding hands and frowns a little then looks at me with a little disappointed look on his face.

I shrug it of because, well, Carl is my boyfriend.

We laugh and talk until it was time to go to bed, again.

When we walk back I nudge Carl. He turns to me and tilts his head to the side.

"How did I get up to my room?.." I ask.

"You fell asleep on me so I took you to your room." He smiles warmly and I blush.

"O-oh" I stutter. "Thank you.." I kiss him on the cheek.
It's been five days since the fight with Negan.

I was washing clothes with Enid.
(I almost wrote Beth :( omg)

"So how about that Blake dude" Enid asks.

I shrug, pinning up the clothes. "He's okay, kinda creeps me out though"

Enid nods and picks up the soap.

"so I've found some comic books on a run with Michonne. Who knew she could love comics so much?" She laughs.

I giggle, "yeah she's actually like a 5 year-old when it comes to things like that"

"Hey Kyle!" I hear from the distance.

Kyle?.. What the fuck.

I see Blake run up to me. "Need some help?"

"Uh sure, but my name is Kylie by the way.."

"Pfft..I knew that.." He laughed and I smiled.

He helped pinning up the clothes with me.

He keeps looking around though.. I don't know what's he's trying to find.

Carl walks out of a house and walks down the street.

When Blake sees him he gets a little closer to me.

He grabs my hands and helps me pin up the clothes.

I laugh awkwardly, hehe.. Please stop before I punch you in the face.

Carl sees this and walks up to us.

I back up from Blake, "hey Carl" I smile.

"Hey" he shoots a glare at Blake.

"So what were you two doing?.." He turns his glare to me.

"Nothing, just pinning up clothes.. Why?"

"Carl-" Blake starts.

"Hold on" Carl cuts him off.

"Kylie may I speak to you?" He asks then pulls me behind a house.

"Did he do anything to you?.." He growls.

"No! He didn't do anything I promise" I said a little too quickly.

That made him a little suspicious towards me.

He slammed me against the wall, "Kylie I swear-"

"Um.. Carl?.." We hear someone say.

We turn our heads to the side and see Blake leaning against the wall in anger.

"What." Carl spit, letting go of me.

"Can I please speak to you.." Blake says in annoyance.

"No" he says coldly and pushes him out of the way.

"Carl!" I yell and walk after him.

I grab his arm and he pulls it away while still walking.

I stop walking, "turn around asshole."

He freezes, he knows that's what I call him when I'm mad.

He sighs deeply and turns around, walking over to me.

"What" he says.

"What the actual fuck." I look up at him in disappointment.

"Sorry but- ugh, he's just so annoying and-"

"Carl.." I sigh.

"You know that no matter who is around us, I'll always be looking at you." I look into his deep blue eyes.

He sighs and places his lips onto mine softly.

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