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Carl runs up the stairs and locks the door behind him.

He aims a gun at Ron and he puts the knife to my throat.

"Ron wha-"

"Put the gun down" Ron spits and Carl's eyes widen.

"Carl... Do it.." I whimper and Ron slams me against the table.

I grunt and Carl steps forward.

He pushes my head into the table, "don't move!" He yells

"Ron you don't have to do thi-" Carl begs but gets cut off.


I hear the click of a gun and I freeze.

"Shut up!" Ron yells.

"LET GO OF KYLIE!" Carl screams at him.

Just then, the door flies open and in comes the Daryl Dixon.

"What the hell is going on here?!" He yells then looks at us.

He aims the gun at Ron.

"Put the gun down kid" Daryl spits and Ron drops the gun.

"Kick it over"

Ron does as he says.

I stand up and run over to Carl he wraps his arms around me and puts his hand on the back of my head.

Ron runs out of the room and down the stairs.

"Asshole" Carl growls and hugs me tighter.

"Thank you, Daryl" I smile at him and he nods, walking out the room.

"Hey I ain't done with you kid!" Daryl yells from downstairs.

Then Enid walks in with a worried expression on her face.

"Are you guys okay?!"

Carl sighs and let's me go, "yes, but Ron isn't gunna be" he says and storms out the room.

Enid walks over to me and sighs, "Ron's always jealous..."

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

She nods, "yeah."

"Do you know any guy named 'hunter' by any chance?"

Hey eyes widen. "Yes, why? Have you met him?"

I nod, slightly nervous by her facial expression.

"Major fuckboy" she says.

"Don't get close to him"

I nod and walk out of the room with her.

"Wait... I just noticed

what Carl just said..." My eyes widen.

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