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The book is called snapchat go check it out ;)

(Btw I think I'm gonna delete anarchy bc I never update on that one..)

"I'm just done, done!" I huff while Carl tries to catch up with me.

"Kylie, please listen to me!" He yells but I ignore him.

"KYLIE!" He finally screams and I stop walking.

"What do you want?" I mutter, turning around.

"I want you to understand what I'm going through" he says and puts his head down.

"I-..." He starts.

"I was in love with you okay?!" He says and puts his head down.

"And you didn't love me back.."

"Every Time you pass by I just want to grab you and hold you in my arms forever."

"Do you know how hard it is to know that someone else is in to the girl you've always loved?!"


I open my mouth to speak.

Never mind.

I walk over to him and gently place my lips onto his.

He stumbles back a little but then grabs ahold of me, and kisses back.

We pull apart and I look at the ground, smiling.

"Kylie.." He lifts my chin up with his index finger.

"May you please be my girlfriend?" He asks.

My eyes widen.

"Yes" I smile and he chuckles and kisses me again.

I guess Maggie was right, this isn't just all about surviving.


I flutter my eyes open and feel something wrapped around my waist.

I look back and see Carl, sleeping soundly.

I smile at how adorable he looks.

How did I not know that he loved me so much, and yet I loved him too.

But I didn't want to love him, but I did anyway.

I turned back and closed my eyes once more, and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and saw Kylie.

Wow she looks beautiful when she's asleep.

I unwrapped my arms from her waist and she started shifting around.

Then, her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning princess" I smile.

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