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When they walk across the field to us, Maggie and Glenn walk up to Enid and I.

"You coming on a supply run with us?" Maggie asks.

"Yeah, sure" we say as Carl and Ron catch up to us.

"We're going on a run if you want to come" I say as Carl kisses me on the cheek.

Maggie raises her eyebrows in surprise.

Carl loads his gun and puts it in his holster, Maggie smiles and hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"I see you guys worked it out" she says and I nod slightly.


"Let's go" Glenn says and slides the gate open.

We all walk out, "shit, hold on ill be right back stay here.." He says and walks back into Alexandria.

I lean on the wall and sigh.

Carl looks at me and smiles, I noticed this and look at him.

He takes off his hat, putting it on my head.

"There" he smiles.

I giggle and the hat tips forward, covering my eyes.

"It's too big" I laugh and adjust it.

Then, a van appears around the building.

It stops next to us and Glenn gets out of it.

"Everyone get in" he says and opens the back doors to the van.

We climb into the van, and sit down on the floor of it.

I take off Carl's hat and put it back on his head.

"Thanks, but you did look pretty hot with the hat" he chuckles and I blush.

Glenn starts the car again and starts driving away from Alexandria.

I lean my head on Carl's shoulder and look at the roof of the car.

I notice Ron glaring at Carl.

He balls up his fists but I put my hand over his.

His hand relaxes immediately.

I mouth the words the him, 'stop'

He does as I say and shoots Ron a death glare.

It's silent, all you can hear is the gravel of uneven roads being Ron over my the van.

And the moans and groans of walkers outside of it.

"Guys look" Glenn breaks the silence.

We all look over to the front seat. "I found a neighborhood."

"Maybe there's some supplies there" Maggie says.

"Yeah but the problem is walkers" Enid says.

"Walkers are not the problem, if they get in the way, we kill them" Carl says sternly.

Glenn parks the car behind a building.

The walkers don't notice. Yet.

We slowly get out of the van, knives and guns at hand.

Walkers come stumbling towards us.

I run up and stab the first one in the head.

We stab every walker that gets in our way.

More and more come, and were covered in blood.

Not enough to disguise us as walkers though..

"There's too much!" Maggie yells over the groans of walkers.

"Run!" Glenn yells and we all run for our lives.

We got separated from eachother, due to all the walkers.

I see Enid and run over to her, "ENID!" I scream.

She stabs a walker and looks at me.

I run over to her, despite all the walkers stumbling behind us, we shove and stab.

I go to a store and twist the door knob.

"Shit it's locked!" I say and grab her hand, running to the next store.

This time the door is made out of glass.

I pull out my gun and...


The glass door shatters and we run in, we might've attracted a shitload of walkers.

"Get in!" I yell and we run inside.

We push a desk at the door and a sofa chair.

I fall backwards on my butt in defeat and sigh in relief.

"We did it.." I pant, wiping the sweat, blood, and dirt off my forehead.

"But where's the others?" I ask.

"Come here goddamnit!!" I yell and open the door for him.

He runs in, me behind him. I shut the door and lock it.

I lean against the wall and pant.

"I could've done it myself." He says.

"Ok I know we don't like each other, but you know what? we need to survive"

"Where's Kylie? And Enid?" He asks.

"Alive" I mumble.

"And how do you know that?"

"Because I know Kylie can survive and do things on her own"

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