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So far I've met pretty much everyone in the prison.

Theyre very nice, they've also gave me weapons and stuff.

Beth and I are friends, and we hang out a lot. Everything's going pretty well.

"So, why did Carl bring you here?" Beth asked while we walked outside to the field to help with the crops.

"Well, I lived in this house. My mom and I. My mom never let me come out of the house." I laughed a bit.

We walked and eventually we made across the field.

She handed me a knife and I titled my head, looking at it.

"Just cut the stems of the lettuce, and put them in the basket." Beth said demonstrating.

I nodded and did what she told me to.

"Hey Kylie!" I heard behind me.

I turned around and saw Carl waving at me.

"Carl. Back to work" Daryl said putting his hand on his shoulder.

I giggled and waved back.

I turned back and continued taking out the lettuce.

"He likes you" Beth said quickly then covered her mouth.

"Shit" she mumbled under her hand.

"What?" I asked.

"He sorta likes you.." Beth said removing her hand from her mouth.

"I don't believe you.." I said.

"I think it's pretty obvious." She said.

"Well I'm not here for relationships, I'm here to survive."
I said and continued working.


"All done!" Beth said and we collapsed on the ground. "Thank god." I said.

"Now we have to push the cart full of lettuce into the prison so carol can wash them.." She mumbled.

"Oh cmon!" I said.

"Ok let's get up" i said pulling Beth up with me.

"1,2,3 PUSH!" She said and we pushed.

The cart was not filled with just lettuce, there were more vegetables.

We passed by Carl and his dad very slowly.

They just finished with whatever they were doing. 

Carl laughed at how hard we were trying and I rolled my eyes and laughed as well.

"Why don't you help us here tough boy." I said and he ran over to us.

We all started pushing the cart and eventually we got it inside.


"Thank you girls" carol said and started cleaning the vegetables.

"Haha, she called you a girl" Beth laughed.

"Oh shut up" he laughed.

"Carl" I heard his dad call. "Yeah dad?" Carl asked turning his head towards him.

"Come here, want to talk to you." He said. "Why?" Carl asked.

"Just go" I said pushing him lightly over to Rick.

"What?" I asked dad.

"I don't want you being near that girl until we can trust her.." He said.

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