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"OH MY GOD!" Maggie yells as the wall were basically standing on wobbles.

I stumble to the edge and I slipped and went falling down, Abraham not quick enough to catch me.

I scream but never made contact with the ground.

I feel a strong pair of arms scoop me up from the air.

"God damnit Kylie! You almost have me a heart attack!" He screams and puts me down.

"Sorry-" I begin but soon see millions of walkers coming towards the broken wall, stumbling into Alexandria.

"Shit..." Carl mumbles and grabs my hand.

He runs and turns behind a building.

"I need you to stay here" he says and I shake my head.

"No fucking way!" I yell and he sighs and puts his head down.

"I thought you'd do this" he sighs and picks me up, and throws my over his Shoulder.

"Carl! Let me go now!" I scream and he holds me even tighter.

He shoots walkers with his free hand while using the other to get a better grip on me.

I shoot the walkers from behind him and I try and squirm out of his grip.

He goes into our house and throws me into a bathroom

"Stay in here and don't. Move." He growls and locks the door after he shut it.

I call for him and bang on the door.

"CARL! CARL COME BACK HERE!" I scream and bang on the door harder.

I give up and rest my forehead on the door.

"Shit.." I sigh and slide down the wall.

I look around and see a window next to the shower.

Who would put a window right next to a-... Ding!

I got an idea.. I grab my gun and shoot the mirror, making it explode into pieces.

I grab a sharp piece and slide the window open, there's a screen so I cut it open and climb through.

Shit, I forgot it's a two story house...

I see Ron in the distance, shooting as many walkers as he can.

I step onto the railing carefully and scoot to the side, trying to get down.

Ron sees me and his eyes widen, he runs and calls my name.

"Kylie!" He yells.

I take my concentration off of my feet  and look at him.

Big mistake.

Half of the railing broke off and I slipped, what's wrong with me today?

Ron catches me when I was one foot away from hitting the ground.

"Why were you up there?" He asks.

"Carl locked me in here" I mumble and he puts me down, I take out my gun and shoot the Walker behind him.

He whips around and sighs in relief, "damn I thought you were gonna shoot me!"

I shake my head and we run and try and find safety.

I see Rick trying to calm everyone down but people were getting killed.

"Rick! It's no use their all freaking out!" Ron says.

Walkers || Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now