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Sorry for not updating I'm lazy...


"Oh my god!" I said as I ran over to the gate.

"Lizzie! Stop!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?!" Carl said hopping down from the gate.

"Lizzie is getting chased by a biter!" I said.

"A biter?" He asked tilting his head.

"Well what do you call it?" I asked.

"A walker.. Let's go get Lizzie." He said.

She was laughing and running around while the 'walker' was chasing her around.

"Now I'll be it!" She yelled and ran towards it.

She stopped but the walker didn't. "Why aren't you running away? Your-"


The walker fell to the ground with a thud and Lizzie screamed.

But neither of us shot it.

We looked back and we saw carol.

She shrugged, "this happens every damn day.." She sighed.

"YOU KILLED HER! WHY!" She screamed running over to her and falling on her knees.

"Lizzie! It could've killed you-"

"NO! She was my friend! HOW COULD YOU?!" She screamed and cried.

She sighed and walked back inside, dragging Lizzie with her.

I gave Carl a weird, puzzled look. "Um... Okay then.." I said sorta laughing.

He sighed and smiled at me. Then he started turning red.

Me, being the clueless 13 year old I am asked him if he's okay.

He nodded slightly and walked away.


"SURVIVOR!" Glenn yelled up from the watch tower.

I looked past the gates and saw a blonde girl that looked clean, I mean really clean.

Like she just took a shower or something.

She had makeup on.

She looks like a royal pain in the ass.

She screamed and ran towards the gate and pounded on in making me flinch since she was literally about 5 inches away from me.

Carl ran up to me and pulled me back into his chest, "watch out, she might kill you"

"W-what? I wouldn't!" She said banging her fists on the fence.

He stepped back with me in locked up in his arms.

"Let me in! Their coming! Ew!" She screamed and flipped her hair out of the way.

"It's fine Carl, thank you. I'm fine" I said wiggling out of his grip.

"Ok just- just stay safe.." He said.

"Will do.." I mumbled.

"Drop your weapons" I said unemotionally.

"What?" She asked cluelessly. "Drop. Your. Weapons." I said getting a little irritated.

"I don't have any!" She whined pounding on the gate once more.

I took a good look at her...

She looked about Carl and I's age. But she looked like she tried to act older, with makeup and shit.

Walkers || Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now