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"Rick!" Enid and I both scream up at him in synch.

What's up with the both of us?

Rick is on gate duty and he looks down at us.


"Carl might be in trouble" I yell and he climbs down the ladder.

"Where is he?" He asks.

"With Ron, they both ran off somewhere."

"Come with me"

We walk around Alexandria for a while but there's no sign of Carl nor Ron.

"fuck it, where's Dianna?" He asks and I shrug.

"Probably at her house"

He pulls out his walkie talkie, "Daryl, have you seen Carl?" He asks.

"Yeah, I think I just saw him pass by"

"Where are you?"

"I'm on a run"

"So you say he went out of Alexandria."

"Yeah, I tried to stop him, he wouldn't listen"

"Ok" he says and puts his walkie talkie back in his pocket.

"Girls I gotta stay here, go get him"

We nod and he opens the gate for us.

I break into a sprint and it's hard for Enid to keep up.

"Kylie!" She yells and I slow down a little so she can catch up.

"Where could they possibly be?" I mumble to myself.

Then i see it, the sheriff hat.

"CARL GRIMES!" I scream and he freezes.

He turns around, "what" he spits.

Then I hear twigs crack from behind me.

I turn around and see Ron. "Now don't you guys move, come back to the house right now" I growl and they walk closer to me.

They sign and follow me through the woods.

Why are they only listening to me?

I let the thought go through my head until we get back to Jessie's house

I shove them both into the basement and aim the gun at them. Mostly at Ron.

"Now tell me why the fuck are you guys wanting to rip each others heads off" I spit in utter disgust.

Ron starts, "that's because Carl won't fucking understand that you belong to me" he says glaring at Carl.

"Why you little fucking-" Carl launched at Ron but I stop them.

"No! Stop!" I yell.

"Carl, what made you so mad about Ron?" I ask.

He sighs before he starts talking, "He just thinks that your his and that frustrates me"

"So fucking much" he says through gritted teeth, clenching his hands into fists.

I put the gun down..

"Wait.... So.. The whole reason you guys are almost killing each other is because of.. Me?"

They nod in defeat.

I slowly raise the gun but this time, I place it on my table.

They're eyes go wide. "Then I guess I'll have to kill myself then-"

"NO!" They both scream and I laugh a little.

"But if I see any of you guys fight again, don't even think your getting any attention from me" I say and walk out.

Walkers || Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now