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"Carl.. No.." Ricks voice cracks as Carl falls to the ground.

He quickly picks him up and Michonne starts making way for us through the walkers.

I pull out my gun.

Bang bang bang!

I keep shooting frequently at everything.

I was in panic mode, I'm not even sure if Carl was gonna make it or not.

Adrenaline rushes through my veins, anger in my heart and emptiness inside as we ran.

We cleared way into the clinic.

Rick set him down on the clinic table.

The nurse's eyes widen in horror.


I couldn't stand looking at him without breaking down.

"I need bandages, stitches, towels, ointment....." Her voice became quieter and quieter as I lost focus of what she was saying.

Everyone was running around the room except for Carl and I.

I fell to my knees and started sobbing.

My body was in pure shock, I felt paralyzed. I couldn't move.

Tears streamed down my face as Rick got up from he chair he was sitting in.

He grabbed a ax and walked over to me.

I tilt my head in confusion.

Then, he reached his hand out to me.

I wipe the tears off my face and grab his hand.

He dragged me out the door and I pulled out my knife.

Walkers. Everywhere.

Anger rushed through my veins as I stood there, clutching my knife tightly in my hand.

I need to calm down..

I frown. But there's only one way to do that.

I run into the crowd of walkers. "Kylie!" Rick screams and follows me.

I stab every walker that gets in my way.

I find a machete on the floor and pick it up, tucking my knife in my jeans.

I stab and slice everything.

Sweaty and bloody, I don't stop. Everyone soon joins in.

I scream in frustration as I keep going.

I see everyone around me doing the same.

I won't stop, until all the walkers are gone.

Sweat drips down my face.

That's it. They're gone.

I stumble to the clinic in pure exhaustion.

When I make it up the three stairs I collapse to the ground.

"Kylie!" Michonne and Sasha run over to me.

I shake, I'm so tired.

"Are you alright?" Sasha asks as they both pull me up.

I nod, unsure.

Everyone come and sit on the porch.

I slowly walk inside into the clinic.

I go into the room, but I don't see Carl.

"Where's C-Carl?" I stutter.

The nurse looks up at me, "he's in that room" she says pointing to the bedroom.

I stumble into the room and see Carl laying in the bed, unconscious and shirtless.

I pant lightly, I stumble over to the chair and slowly sit down.

"C-Carl?..." I whimper, still panting.

He has a bandage over his eye.

I reach my hand and put it on his chest, I hear a faint heart beat.

I sigh in relief and look over at him.

"I-I.. I don't understand why but.. I feel like this is all my fault.." I whisper, tears trickling down my face.

"I'm so sorry.." I sob quietly.

I grab his hand and intertwine my fingers on his.

"It s-should've been me.." I say holding the charm on the necklace in my hand.

"I've wanted to say this for a long long time.."

Our faces are now inches apart,

"I-I love you Carl." I whisper and gently place my lips onto his.

Just then, I slowly feel his hand squeezing mine.

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