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"Are you sure we need to tie him up dad?" Carl asks and follows him into the building.

"No questions about it, he may be dangerous and can hurt us, we have to tie him up" Rick says.

I nod to myself and we walk inside. "Come on guys, you don't have to do this" Aaron says while Daryl ties him up to a pole in the barn.

"Carl, Kylie, Beth, and Megan. take Judith and Go into the other room" Daryl says handing Judith to Carl.

"But-" Carl starts but Daryl cuts him off with a death glare telling him to shut his mouth.

Carl huffs and walks inside the room. I took a glance at Aaron one last time before Beth put her hand on my shoulder.

Aaron and I made eye contact for a second before I looked away.

Beth and I walked in the room and Carl say at a table and put Judith on his lap.

He rocked back and forth in the chair and I sat on the bed. Megan was already asleep on the bed.

"Your really good with her" I smile and Carl looks at me, then at Judith and smiles.

He laughs a little, "well she is my little sister after all" he smiles.

Beth plops on the bed and sighs.

"This isn't fair." She huffs.

"Tell me about it-" I got cut off by Judith starting to cry.

"Shh, shh" Carl says picking her up and walking around the room.

"Maybe she's hungry?" Beth suggests.

Carl shakes his head, "there's nothing we can give her to eat!" He sighs and sits on he bed next to me.

"Here you try" he gives me Judith and I rock her back and forth.


I huff and get up, "I'm going to ask them if they have anything" I say and walk out of the room.

As I walk out Rick and Daryl turn to me, and so does everyone else.

"She's hungry. She won't stop crying and we can't calm her down." I say as baby Judith continues crying.

Rick walks over to me and I give him Judith, "there's nothing to eat.." Glenn says.

"I have some apple sauce in my backpack if you want to give her some." Aaron peeps out.

Rick turns to him and then looks at the backpack.

"It's in the smallest pocket" Aaron says.

He walks over to it and takes out the apple sauce.

He pops open the cap and smells it. He bends down and holds the spoon filled with apple sauce in front of Aaron.

"Eat it" Rick says and Aaron gulps.

"No, please. I despise apple sauce I really hate it-"

"Eat. It."

Aaron sighs and eats it. "See? It's not poisoned or anything." He says.

Rick waits a couple minutes to see if Aaron will start choking or anything but nothing happens.

Rick walks over to me and hands me Judith and the applesauce.

I nod and walk back into the room.

"You got food for her? Wow" Beth says and Carl turns his attention to me.

"Cool!" He chuckles and I give him the applesauce.

We sit on the bed and I put Judith on my lap as Carl feeds her.

"I got it from Aaron" Carl freezes.

"You what?"

"Don't worry, Rick tested it on him first and it's safe" I say and he Saugus in relief.

"You really think that I would do that? How stupid do you think I am?"

"Very" Beth giggles and I glare at her playfully.

Megan wakes up and yawns. "That baby was super loud." She whines.

"That's because she was starving." Carl glares at her and she puts her hands up in defense.

Carl has always been overprotective when it comes to Judith.

"Kylie, wanna come outside with me?" Beth asked.

I look over at her, "uh yeah sure.." I say and I look at Carl.

"You coming?" I ask the both of them.

"Yeah in a couple minutes, I have to feed Judith." He says and I put Judith on Megan's lap.

"Don't drop her" I say and she holds on to her.

I walk out the back door with Beth and we just walk around for a bit.

"I love the smell of fresh air" Beth sighs and kicks the dirt. "Yeah, me too" I look up at the sky.

"It got really dark so fast.." I say.

"So... About you and Carl.." She starts.

"Is this why you wanted me to come with you outside?" I ask and she nods slightly.

"That and it's really hot in that barn." She giggles.

"So, are you and Carl.."

"No" I say looking at my shoes hit the ground.

"You should date" she smirks and I roll me eyes and sigh.

"Well.. I don't know, I-"

Moans and groans

Coming from the woods. 

I take my knife out and so does Beth. We go back to back. Then out of nowhere, it starts raining.


"Damnet..." I sigh and look up at the sky.

"Uh.. Kylie... T-There's too much" she said and I look around.

They're everywhere.

"Run!" I say and we run to the back door.

"Carl!"  "What?" He says turning his attention to me.

"Walkers, e-everywhere! Too much of them!" I pant and he pulls out his gun.

We start to hear banging on the main barn doors.

We run outside the room and see everyone running the barn doors.

They start pushing the door closed and we run over to help.

For at least and hour, in the rain, we were all struggling to keep the door shut.

I woke up with a huge headache. I sat up and looked around. Beth was already awake but Carl wasn't.

He looked so peaceful sleeping on the  ground.

"Oh my god... Kylie" Beth whispered and walked over to me.

I have her a puzzled look and she looked at my fore head.

I put my hand over my forehead and felt something liquidy.

I took my hand away and see blood, not a lot of it though.

Beth shakes her head and grabs a first aid kit.

"Here let me clean this up"

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