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"Kylie... Kylie... KYLIE!" I hear a squeaky voice scream in my ear.

"Whaat.." I groaned rolling to the side.

"Cmon! Lizzie and I are bored! Let's playyy!"


"Um.. O-okay let me just-" I yawned.

"Cmon!" She yelled pulling me off the bed.

I hit the ground with a thud, and surprisingly that woke me up.

"Cmon! Get dressed!" She said running out the door.

I get dressed real quick and walked out.

When I walked out I saw Mika staring at something wide eyed.

"What?" I said taking a look.

"Oh.. My.. God.. CARL GRIMES!" I yelled getting their attention.

Megan had Carl pinned against the wall.

"thank you" he mouthed when Megan wasn't looking.

I winked and strolled over to her.

"Listen.. I don't like what your doing to Carl, he doesn't like it.. And besides your only fucking 13!" I said.

Mika dragged Carl to play with her, leaving Megan and I alone.

"Listen you, I won't let you get in between Carl and I, GOT IT?" She asked pulling out a knife.

"Shit!" I said backing away quickly.

"I won't let you ruin this for me" h
She said walking towards me.

I backed up until my back hit the metal wall. She pressed the knife against my throat.

"Hold on I forgot my hat.." I heard from downstairs 


Megan's eyes widened as she heard him walking up the metal staircase.

She quickly slipped the knife back in her pocket and stood there innocently.

That little bitch

He grabbed his hat and put it on.

I took a couple steps towards him.

"Carl" I said barely in a whisper.

"Hmm?" He said turning around.

Did he legit just hear me? I swear that kid has dogs hearing.

"Can I.. Please- uh, speak to you abou-"

"Carl!" I hear Megan song from behind me.

"Cmon I have to show you something!" She said grabbing his hand and leading him down stairs

He looked at me while getting dragged away.

He gave me a crooked smile that says 'sorry' and I nodded.


We sat down to eat breakfast and Megan shot me evil glares because I was sitting next to Carl.

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