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shoutout to twentyonechandlers for helping me with this one ❣

I walked with Enid to guard duty.

"So I heard about your run, I'm glad you're safe" she says and I turn my attention to her.

"How'd you know?" I tilt my head to the side as I climb up the stairs.

"Carl told me, he was pretty proud of himself for saving you" she giggled.

I smile to myself and take the rifle out.

We shoot walkers until our shift is over.

I decided to just walk down the street with Carl and talk until I see Rick talking to someone near the gate.

I tilt my head to the side and stop walking.

"What is it?" Carl asks.

I see the small girl standing there.

She looked really familiar until..

"Holy fucking mother of.." I was at lost of words.

I ran to the girl, "TAYLOR!" I screamed and she turned around.

She gasped as I tackled her to the ground.

I hugged her tightly. "W-what the.." She pushed me off of her.

When she realized who I actually was and gasped.

"HOLY SHIT Kylie?!" She screamed and I nodded.

"I-I thought you died!" She stutters and hugs me again.

We get up off the floor when Rick interrupted us.

"Kylie, you know this girl?" He asks.

I nod, "she's my cousin" I say and Carl runs up to me.

"Kylie- oh who's this?" He looks at Taylor.

"Oh hello" Taylor looks at Carl up and down.

"This is my cousin, Taylor" I smile and Taylor walks up to me.

"Who's this hottie?" She whispers in my ear.

"My boyfriend" I state, trying not to show that I'm glaring at her.

"O-Oh, well he's a cute one" she winks and walks back when Rick calls her to show her around.

"What did she say?" Carl asks and I sigh and start walking back with him.

"She said that you're hot.." I mutter and he scoffs.

"Oh.. Well just know that I'm yours and you're mine" he says and pulls me in to hug me.

I sigh and bury my face in his shirt.

I looked from the corner of my eye and saw Taylor staring at me.

It's been a week and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with Taylor.

I walked into Taylor's room and and she looks at me. "Hey Kylie!"

"Hey Taylor.. Can you maybe.. Please just.."

"What?" She frowns. She never acted like this when we were kids.

It's like she's acting fake. Like Megan.

"It's just-.. Carl.. He's my boyfriend and you're making me uncomfortable-"

"Oh don't worry! Nothing is going on between us"

"I- okay.."  I say and walk towards her door.

"For now.." She mumbles.

I ball up my fists and walk out the door.

I walk past Carl and bump into his shoulder.

"Woah, Kylie what's the rush?"

I don't answer him, I just walk down the stairs and slam the door closed behind me.

"Kylie!" I hear once the door opens again behind me.

"Taylor fucking likes you, and I don't want to kill her.." I say and he turns me around and slams me into the wall.

"I already told you, I'm not going to leave you for that.. Megan" he says and I scoff.

"But you did.." I say and he freezes.

"Well.. That's not a good example.."

"Yeah.." I start walking ahead of him and he sighs.

"But cmon I'd never leave you ever again! I swear!" He yells and I turn around.

"And how are you gonna make me believe that?"

He runs up to me and slams my back against the wall.

"Like this.." He says and kisses me roughly.

He lets go of my shoulders and wraps his hands around my waist.

I rest my arms on his shoulders.

We pull away and he smirks at me.

"Is that enough to explain or do I need to fuck you again?" He asks.

I blush and sigh, "okay fine.."

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