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Shoutout to Chandlerriggsismine6 for being the first one to read all of my books :)

Btw: this is how Kylie is going to look like throughout the whole book^


"Cmon Carl, let's go home." My dad said as he took my hand and dragged me out of the house.

I looked back but the door was shut.

I adjusted the hat on my head and looked back again and saw the girl looking out the window.

"Carl stop" my dad said once more breaking my train of thoughts.

"Okay okay" I said and followed him back to the prison.

~ one year later

"YES! Finally I get to go! Yes!" I said jumping up and down.

"Okay sweetie calm down, we need to go over some rules" my mom said.

I nodded and my mom handed me a gun. "Now do you know how to use it?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

I nodded and aimed at the glass pot.


The glass shattered into a million pieces.

"I'm gonna have to clean that up later.." My mom said under her breath.

I have a her crooked smiles before she handed me a knife to put in my holster, which was next to my gun holster.

"Okay, aim for the head, at all times.. If you don't, then it will still be alive, got it?"

"Got it" I smiled and laced up my combat boots and walked outside.

"See you later mommy!" I said waving to her.

She waved back and smiled before I was went on my way.

I walked and took my knife out, time to practice.

I saw two biters, walking dead, rotten people. Or whatever you like to call it.

I walked up to the two and whistled.

"Sup" I yelled making them turn around and stumble to me.

Okay, this is the moment you've been waiting for, do NOT screw this up Kylie.

I gripped my knife in my hands and plunged the knife into the guys skull.

Then the other one, I did the same.

I wiped the blood off of my hands on my jeans and continued walking.


After a little more walking, I've killed a bunch of rotten dead people.

I still don't know how to call them though.

I got some food from the market and I decided to go back home.

I looked at my boots hitting the ground while I walked the path back home.

Finally, I can go out and have fun.

Walkers || Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now