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I shoot my eyes open and jolt up, gasping.

Last Thing I remember is being on my knees with the rest of the group.

Where the hell am I?..

I look around, I'm in the clinic?

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel a sudden pain throughout my body.

I clutch my sides and squeeze my eyes shut. "S-Shit!" I stutter through gritted teeth.

The pain in unbearable.

The door suddenly opens and Carl runs in, "oh good you're awake.." he sighs in relief and I look up at him.

He sits down in a chair next to the bed and moves my hair out of my face. "I-I'm glad you're safe" he says and my eyes widen.

The last thing I remember is Negan threatening to chop off Carl's arm.

I grab his left arm and lift it up. I sigh in relief when I see he still has an arm.

"He didn't do it.." Carl sighs and lays me back down.

"Dad surrendered.." he mutters and glares at the floor.

I look at the black line on his arm and see it a bit smudged. I can tell he's been trying to wash it off.

He followed my gaze and pulls down his sleeve more.

"Let's forget about it.." he sighs.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"Yeah.. I'm fine." He mutters and I stare up at the ceiling.

"Is Enid still in the closet?.." I look at him and he chuckles slightly. "No I took her out, she got pissed.."

I smile when I see him laughing.

I don't ever want to see his face looked like when Negan came.

I slowly sit up standing up from the bed, wincing. "Woah, careful!" He says and holds on to my waist gently.

My body is crouched down a bit due to the pain in my stomach.

He slings my un-injured arm around his shoulders and helps me walk.

"C-Carl I'm fine.." I mumble and he kisses my nose. "Last time you said that you bled out" he shakes his head and helps me outside.

"I need to see Maggie.." I say and he shakes his head.

"She wants to be left alone for a while, she's taking this really hard" he says and I nod understandingly.

"O-Okay.." I say and stop walking.

"f-fuck.." I grunt. I really wish this pain could go away.

"Here let me help you.." he says and let's go of my arm, picking me up.

"I love you" I smile weakly, kissing his on the cheek while holding onto his neck.

"I love you too baby" he adjusts me in his arms and walk towards our house, which isn't so far away.

"You lost a lot of weight since you got shot, you need to start eating more" he says, gently bouncing me in his arms to show me I'm too light.

"I'm not anorexic. I think I'll be fine, but I will eat more" I sigh and lean my head on his chest and he kisses the top of my head.

He opens the door and lays me on the couch. "Thank you" I smile and he shakes his head. "Don't mention it" he says and sit next to me.

"How's the rest of the group doing?" I ask and he puts his hat on the table.

"They're taking it pretty bad as well, especially Maggie.."

"I feel so bad for her.."

"So do I.." he says.

Enid walks down the stairs. "Are you okay Kylie?" She asks and I nod.

"I'm fine.." i say and sit up slowly.

"I would came but Carl the asshole here wouldn't let me"

"I'm surprised I let Kylie the clumsy come along in the first place too" he says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"At least you weren't locked in a closet for 18 hours" Enid glares at Carl and he shrugs.

"If I didn't you would've came" he says. "EXACTLY! You're so dumb" She yells and Carl leans back on the couch, raising his eyebrow.

"Oh really?" He folds his arms.

"I'm the dumb one?" He tilts his head to the side and I look at him. "Yes, yes you are" I say and Enid nods.

"See? Even she agrees with me." She flips him off and i sigh, staring up at the ceiling once more.

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