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I wake up with a headache.

Did I fall off the bed that hard?

I groan and get up and walk towards the closet.

Wow, there's actual clothes in here..

I take off my holsters from my jeans and the belt.

I take off my half-ripped, dirty, old clothes and walk in the closet.

Okay, so there's skinny jeans, leggings and sweatpants.

Ew, and a skirt.

Well obviously I can't wear a skirt because my holsters can't hook to them.

I take the skinny jeans and put them on, I put on a white, clean crop top that doesn't show my belly because I am not in the mood of looking like Megan.

I put on my belt before booking the holsters in and grabbing my gun.

I check if there's enough bullets, yep.

I put in in the holster and put my knife into my other one.

I knock on Carl's door and he opens it, half dressed.

"Holy motherfucker, Carl! Why would you open the door half dressed?!" I say whipping around.

"Huh?" He groans in his sleepy voice.

"Oh shit.." He says and closes the door.

I turn around and sigh, Putting my head down.

"You blew it Carl.." I hear him mumble from his room.

I giggle quietly. "Okay I'm coming!" He says and opens the door, now dressed.

"Cmon" I say walking down the stairs.

He nods and puts on his hat, before following me.

"Enid's gone" Ron says once we go outside.

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

"Not dead, just gone. Nowhere to be found" he says glaring at Carl.

Carl glares back, "why don't you go find her?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"Ha, like its that easy." He says and walks off.

"What do you wanna do?" Carl asks.

I shrug and brush my hair out of my eyes.

Carl adjusted his hat, "hey um, I have a stupid question.." I say.

He turns to me, "what is it?"

"Well.. I just wanted to know that if you really liked Megan, like loved her.." I mumble.

"Pfft, no" he laughs and I raise my eyebrow.

"I'm serious.. I never actually liked her, I just wanted to feel loved, you know?" He asks.


I wanted to tell him that so bad but I didn't have the guts to say it.

"Do you?" He asked.

"Well..-" I get cut off.

"Kylie, can you help Abraham and I on watch?" Maggie sniffs from behind me.

I turn around and nod. "I got to go Carl" I say and walk away.

"Are you.. Crying?" I ask taking a good look at Maggie.

"No..." She says and looks at the ground as we walk up the gate.

"Have you seen Glenn?" She asked.

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